I may well have got it wrong, frankly your post was so hurtful I'm unable to respond to most of it currently.
It was very directed and aggressive, and gave me the feeling of being very bullied, not a nice feeling whether that was your intent or not.
I am autistic, this is a site for autistics! And you're not understanding, I believe, that you've made a major misinterpretation of what my intent was, however the message was read, or do you read such horrible behaviour as you've ascribed to me as being common in my posts? Is that what you think I am, or could you appreciate you misread what was in my mind? Yet you appear to be so certain you know what's in my head.
Could it be I'm not the only one who's made a mistaken communication here?
Do you really prefer to hurt someone who's mistaken rather than gently educate (which is how you get a message across, not by verbal aggression, at least as I see it).
I'm sorry you feel so antagonistic toward me over what I presume is one post, but if I'm not allowed to post for fear of making a mistake, would you explain how I or anyone in that situation learns from their mistakes, and could you provide a list of topics I should already automatically know I'm not allowed to respond to?
(Yes, I'm being a little sarcastic, but the point remains, how do I learn if not from example and experience? Are you saying I must always know I'm 100% right before posting? Because if you're unwilling to educate instead of attack, how do I improve? And what part are you playing in the outcome by choosing that action deliberately? Not prepared to answer my questions.
Calling me a friend
in the context of your post was what I found so hurtful and not genuine messaging on your part - maybe it was, but it sure didn't read like that to me, instead it read as excusing your message by claiming you did it as a friend. I've never had or made a friend who'd attack me without merit, just to get their aggression out as the main reason, because a message like that never makes a situation better - or can you say different?
I said "aggressive", you're changing what I've written to fit your narrative - you don't need to do that, you can make your point much better using
my words and explaining how they came across to
you. Anything else is not especially helpful in the situation beyond for your benefit, it's just you being angry at me. You've still not even asked me a single question about what I
meant to say in what I wrote - you've taken your own interpretation as 100% fact and decided that it can't be wrong in any way whatsoever (maybe it is, maybe it isn't, neither of us know for sure).
Can you really justify that? How? How do you know all this for a fact? You may be right but there's always room for doubt in nearly everything. You're unwilling to question any points I asked about in my last reply. At least I openly provided the knowledge in my OP that I wasn't sure and I was speaking only from my personal impression, yet even when I highlighted that instead of telling me why that came across wrongly, you're only telling me that I am an abusive bully in essence, and yet won't explain using the only facts available - the words I wrote. An attack that won't answer responses to it and won't explain itself, is a very aggressive act. If you don't think so, again, tell me why it's acceptable and constructive.
[Quote - Boogs] "Well then I'm not sure you are making an accurate assessment of me, could you quote where I said she had no right to do that? Maybe you've misinterpreted my text, I could
[n't](<- edit) say if you don't explain though."
I note for instance, you've ignored my very first question in response to you, would you please answer that so I can understand what you actually mean, I didn't ask you to for a trivial reason but because I wanted to know if you were right or you'd misinterpreted my words and I needed a better way to write my thoughts.
Because I can't see where I've done what you've accused me of there, and without your doing that you're just shouting at me, metaphorically speaking. Please explain in this way because anything else is meaningless anger and aggression from my perspective and that never leads to better results, only proper education makes humans better imho, and you can't educate (me at least) with anger, and expect a progressive and beneficial result. Thank you.
I may have inadvertently triggered you, I may also have done so to
@Rebecca35 (and I hope she'll tell me, as my message was to her, and at least I'll hopefully learn something from that), and that is never my intention. But in your turn you've done that to me, I regret anything I've done that may hurt you, Rebecca, or anyone else, and would hope for an explanation not (or as well as) an attack, but your reply was just the same as countless others down the years that have only ostracised and hurt. I'm disappointed you feel I'm so horrible I don't deserve the compassion of an objective explanation, but them's the breaks and hardly an unfamiliar occurrence, just not here up to now, most people have been extremely understanding and compassionate toward my mistakes which I've readily admitted I suffer from in other threads.