I know the 9-5 grind is a pain but how do you make a living?
Comics are also good at teaching life lessons.
I really wish I hadn't given up reading.
It's a strange reason why I gave up reading, but I think the ASD folk on here will understand.
I have really poor co-ordination, I could talk at one year old but didn't learn to walk until 14 months and even then, could not keep my balance for a long time.
I was an obsessive reader, I might have even learnt before 2.
My Dad used to sadistically taunt me for falling down all the time.
I have synaesthesia across a few senses.
One day I saw my brother read a comic, and the shape of one of the speech bubbles reminded me of the sensation I got when my bottom hit the floor, when I fell down.
I averted my gaze from the speech bubble and never picked up another book or comic again, except for Enid Blyton books my mum got me for Christmas.
Unfortunately she bought Mr Twiddle a forgetful man, who I identified with.
Stupid story with no lessons in, repeated chapters about his mistakes.
I believe if I had of kept reading, I would have developed really well. Mum thought I was gifted but Dad refused to have me checked.
When he took us to the library he put me off by telling me I would have to pay fines.
It was like he didn't want me to read and grow.
I am now unemployed, miserable and feel like I have failed in life at 53 years old.
I really hope that I can get this diagnosis.
I have face-blindness
I have the face of an autistic person, we have cupids bows for top lips.
I have a strabismus.
I have poor co-ordination.
I have special interests.
I feel sorry for inanimate objects.
I have really unusual fixations.
I cannot tell what people are intending or thinking and am easily conned and fooled.
I have a funny gait and a funny walk.
I used to have a monotone voice until I practiced sounding higher pitched like the others.
I need a routine.
I need certainty in my life.
I hate being touched or hugged.
I can sing perfect pitch.
I can draw photo realistically.
Many other things, but I tend to ramble so I better stop there.
Hm, a few things I want to say here.
Firstly, to answer your question. Er... I dont "make a living", actually. When I said that me having a job was unnecessary, I was being very literal. It would serve no purpose at all, as I have no need of the money. Wealthy family, you see. This wasnt ALWAYS the case... the change occurred over the course of a couple of years, and immediately after that change was done is when I was diagnosed. I think it was also realized as to just how horribly miserable I was when working, so.... yeah, put those together, and it's just bloody stupid for me to get a job.
Now, that doesnt mean that I've never done anything else. Here's the way I look at it: A "job" for me would mean doing something stupid like being a cashier at freaking Walmart. Nothing that's even remotely important... basically, making money for someone ELSE (the guys at the top of the corporation).
Instead, I can spend time doing things that arent a bloody waste of time. I can care for my wonderful dogs, make their lives as great as can be. I can visit my grandmother, and other relatives. I can spend time trying to help people on here (whether or not that's successful, is debatable, hah). I've also done some game development, contracted to an indie dev that I got to know. That DID pay me, as the lead dev steadfastly refuses the idea of not paying someone for their time, but I did it to help them out, and I'd always dreamed of making a game of my own. It went well! I'm actually considering trying solo development, starting this next month. I figure, if I can make something that doesnt suck, and sell it, maybe I can take that money and either donate it, or put it towards my nephew's... college fund? I dont know, I dont understand that sort of thing. I'll do something with it that is useful to someone. I rather expect the development process to be filled with incredible moments of frustration and screaming incoherently at the monitor. I dont like bug hunting. But dagnabit, I'm going to do it.
So that's what "work" is to me, based on my situation and how I view things.
Now, you listed alot of different qualities you have there. I hope you understand, pretty much all of us have our own share of either problems, or screwball traits.
Some of mine:
I have a memory like a cheese grater. You know, full of holes. Always have. Always will.
As such, I'm VERY unreliable.
I'm a total airhead. I do very spaced out things. Like trying to unlock a hotel room door with my car remote (that's my favorite story to tell). I'm pretty sure I tried to make a sandwich out of toothpaste once but I'm a bit unclear on that. And no, I'm not exaggerating or making this up.
Everything hurts.
I'm male. But only technically. I have alot of gender issues, and I get mistaken for a girl at random intervals. This doesnt actually bug me, to be honest, but it DEFINITELY can bug others. Many people... they dont like that.
I have a variety of hobbies.... none of which are shared by those close to me. I'm always alone, with any of them. This does bother me rather frequently, but... nothing I can do about that.
I have ZERO patience, and this can lead to mood explosions.
Everything hurts.
Like I said, I cant do eye contact. At all. This, of course, bothers people. Causes friction sometimes.
I have very few friends.
Everything hurts.
You said you feel sorry for inanimate objects. Well, I do that too, but... I also tend to talk to them. I seriously will have a rather agitated conversation with a spoon because it slid off the table when I was trying to have my meal. Yes, this is every bit as absurd as it sounds.
Dont like physical contact, except from my dogs.
I *definitely* have unusual fixations. Lately I have this bizarre obsession with creepy dolls. No, I dont know why. I find it's usually best to not question it. I also get really, REALLY obsessive over fictional characters I like. I'm a cosplayer, because of that.
I have absolutely incredible hearing! But I also cant filter things out and I get overloaded easily! It's just as much fun as it sounds!
Everything hurts.
But hey, I've got good points too.
*Extremely coordinated*. All those video games.
Mental processing speed is beyond fast. Dont know why. Useful for gaming and driving though.
Good reasoning and logic, when I'm not being airheaded and trying to make a Pringles tube into a hat or something.
The whole "I look really feminine" thing has actually paid off sometimes and led to some... interesting experiences.
I seem to be a magnet for weird stuff. Which doesnt sound like a positive, but I think it's hilarious fun. Usually. "Normal" is boring, so I quite enjoy seeing things like that random pirate and guy in a top hat cross the intersection near the house for no apparent reason (yes, that happened. No, it wasnt close to Halloween. It's one of the less bizarre stories I could tell).
There's others, but my memory is going faulty again. Oh, and I'm 38 by the way, if that matters somehow.
My point though is: We all understand what it's like to have a variety of negative or just strange qualities, and what it's like to be outcasts, of a sort. You are never alone, in experiencing things like that. Never feel that it's "just you" or something like that, and always know that if something is bothering you... well, that's what this place is for.
But, like all of us... I think you probably have more positive qualities than you think you do. It's so, so easy for us to focus on the negative, and not see the positive. But the positive is there.
Also, I'd like to make a suggestion: Get a new hobby. Something that is going to really get the mental gears going. I can tell you from hard experience: letting those gears get rusty... getting stuck in a rut, wallowing too much in the mire of boredom and negative emotions... it'll wreck ya. I went through the sorts of feelings you seem to be expressing here, and THAT was what cured it. Mental engagement and excitement is very, very important but so many of us seem to get stuck into a routine of not doing much (and no, watching stuff doesnt count). Also, get exercise, and drink LOTS OF WATER. I cant emphasize that enough. You want to start feeling better? That's the best place to start.
Sorry, long post here I know, but I'm terrible at being concise. I usually just rant until I feel like I've said what I wanted to, even if I'm not entirely sure what it is I wanted to say. But anyway, I hope you understand that I, and others, can fully sympathize, but also that there's more to you than just this pile of negatives that you've stated.