Gods, I miss a morning cup of inky and rich high-altitude so much. Put in my veeiiiiiinnns.
Alas, I love coffee but it no longer likes me. Drank too much in my 20s and paid for it. Now my stomach & guts & brain cannot tolerate more than one tiny watered-down espresso every month.
It's why I'm on the hunt for the perfect black coffee perfume to add to my fragrance collection. Most I've sampled so far haven't quite hit the spot---either too acrid, too synthetic, too Starbucksy, or too much like an uncleaned instant machine people keep mouldering in their kitchen. The blend I require would be smooth, dark, fresh, buzzy and heady, a little smoky and burny but not too much, kind of Noir-ish or jazzy in mood.
I also don't mind a creamier French style smell, so long as it isn't straight up gourmand/lactonic or like an American advert for instant (remember those?). Like Dionne Warwick once wisely tweeted: they want us to put mayonnaise in our coffee, I won't tolerate it.