Yes, for us actions do speak louder than words. It seems he is into you. I was shy and very rejection sensitive, and it took me a lot of work on myself to be able to have agency, advocating for myself. Remain accepting of him, and learn how to communicate directly and unambiguously. When I met my spouse it was an exceptional occurrence, an intense four day road trip going to a Sierra Club project. She was so accepting that I was falling for her. Finally I went way past my comfort level and professed to her. My mind instantly panicked because I had never expressed such to a woman. She patiently and kindly assuaged my anxiety by explaining that we were taking our friendship to a new level.
In dealing with a shy guy (and I was one) I point women towards an excellent article;
Inside The Mind Of Guys Who Are Shy And Inexperienced With Women | . But understand, that his communication style/passivity, may be something that he will not change.