My wife believes very deeply in healing by faith; this comes from no particular denomination but from various teachings over the years. She believes that anything can be cured through faith and prayer. And, on many levels, I agree with her. Where we really split is that she believes my being on the spectrum can be cured, and that it is largely my fault for not praying enough, not having enough faith, and not fighting it.
I believe God can heal me of anything he wishes, but, heal what? Am I really in need of healing from Aspergers? The big debate around my house, for certain. I can tell you that I've attended many churches and met many pastors and I've never heard anyone aside from my wife with this attitude.
There are things that we all do that are sinful. No stone being cast here. The Holy Spirit will knock on your skull and keep reminding you, "hey! Stop that!" Whether or not you listen is up to you. You can also read the book as well as I. I've been through it a couple times at least, and don't recall where it states, "though shalt not be an introvert who stammers at office parties and can't look others in the eye."