Seriously great points here.
@Markness , you maybe running towards a relationship with great speed, but then you realized that you are dating a manipulative conniving hateful person, so then you can't run away fast enough. So the point is don't just settle for any relationship just because. There has to be a foundation of morals, standards, etc.
I agree totally with the posts talking of manipulative relationships. I have been pursued by deadbeats where l live probably because l own a reasonable place to live in, and rent is out of control, especially if these types have an aversion to working. So to escape this, l went back to a previous relationship. So one choice is just less worse then the other choice l guess.
I endured being stalked by a guy in another state for four years. Men have no idea what battlegrounds woman walk thru. I have suffered sexual harassment in 90% of the jobs l have had. So if woman don't want to date, it could be as simple as that, we are traumatized from past experiences. Then throw in abusive so called friends, and it's amazing how many females just end up hating their life. Markness- so it isn't you, it's a society where woman don't feel welcomed to some extent by certain males.
I had 3 incidents as a younger child, one where l asked to be escorted home by the police in one of the incidents. Please protect your children, to any mothers reading this post, including from their step-fathers.