Well I agree with you on the pseudoscience front but not really the rest. I see this too often on this site. Jaded and often traumatized people with aspergers deciding that they are somehow different or better than the rest of us. Norman Normal does not have an inadequate brain and neither does Allison Autistic or Albert Aspergers we just all have different brains but I would argue that we share more in common even though maybe on the surface I am stimming more and I can't hold a job. I think complexly and differently than a "normal" person but I think I think like you. This is of course not meant to call you out but you seem to think in many layers and have put a lot of thought into this topic maybe to the point of perseveration (I do that), your thinking also seems quite rigid and that of course begs the question why am I trying to change your mind but of course I am rigid too, we both seem to like big words and communicate in greater detail than the average person, you also seem to think logically but to a point you see your emotions as logic and I also tend to do that. We on not not different spectrums you are just less overwhelmed. My issues come from how sensitive I am to everything and also the fact I hate socializing and being around people. You're just better at faking it.
The reason I'm looking at discontiguity is precisely because society has separated itself from us. Once, we'd have been drowned as witches of burned as heretics - and not that long ago, either. There are differences - my giftedness, my ability to "push" folk mentally. That drunk I talked about, his barriers so far down he read my impulsion, quite correctly, but couldn't resist the instruction. He told me so, quite angrily, but in the middle of complaining, dropped off to sleep, landing safely in a seat. I use it as an entertainer, a vocalist: there's a Youtube video of it happening, David Byrne's Atomic Bomb gig. I'm the vocal leader in the 180-strong backing choir at the end. In fact, we'd built up so much impulsion the dots ran out, David waved a go-round and it was my musical knowledge which placed the impro loop-point: that the entire damned choir got it was crazy.
I'm rigid to the extent that I'm fairly sure of my truth and that's not negotiable. You come to me, gentlemen trickcyclists, I've done some really hefty stuff and you don't get to redefine me. I've given you a hearing and I'm not satisfied with the answers. You've not asked me, and you haven't asked a shedload of others, how we think. I've taken six years, 9% of my life, considering this, and all I've discovered is BS.
You say you think differently from a neurotypical. In what way, please? I've asked myself that question, and realised that the EEG which followed the MRI was rather revealing. Catching up with psychology in learning how to heal my traumas was equally so, that they'd subclassified perception, but left a hole because science can't cope with the intangible. That's science's problem, not ours. Once we've a solid base in knowledge of our mentation, we can move onto the non-mentational.