I'm thinking that you should probably move on, however it seems you wish some sort of understanding. I wasn't there, but can see how if I had been in his shoes the following might well apply.
on our last date he told me he was cold and I still wanted to sit outside, not true all I said was ‘actually it’s not that cold’ hoping to sway him..
You've been together for over two years. It's likely that he's told you more than once that he's not good with hints and non-verbal communication. In the above quote you yourself admit to trying to sway him without directly saying so, you've indirectly contradicted him and left him to guess at your meaning. Maybe most people would know your intent, however he's unable to read the non-verbal things that others take for granted and which are an integral part of your communication we are BLIND to. If you communicate like this regularly he has been struggling constantly to keep himself only half in the dark, instead of you going to the effort of saying exactly what you mean.
"...hoping to sway him..." sounds like you did indeed still want to sit outside to me. Maybe not much, maybe you were checking to see if you wanted to sit outside more than he wanted to go inside. If you're going to insist on using hints in spite of the warnings, you have to expect the message to get misinterpreted most of the time. YOU have to be willing to deal with this and realize that you've allowed it to happen by ignoring him. Yes, we are more work than most people, but we're already working hard to meet you more than halfway, you simply take it for granted because with other NTs that work is already accomplished by you already having hard-wiring in common. A little effort on your part, saying what you mean, can really reduce our workload and therefore allow us to put effort into a different part of communication - the sending and receiving of ideas. You've been making him focus on the interpretation, protection, reconstruction, maintenance etc. of ideas in transit, if you will.
From our point of view it's a relatively easy thing to simply say what we mean, and each time you don't you not only make us do a lot of work on that particular sentence (if we even know), you also oblige us to look for hints in everything you say because we don't know when you're hinting and when you're not. You must expect us to misinterpret many things now, although we've asked you not to put us in this situation. Over two years, and you're still putting him in that situation. It seems normal that in these relationships the aspie works like hell and the NT doesn't ever realise the extent of the gap and how much of it is covered by the aspie. When you do a quarter of the work you feel as though it's a lot, and we should thank you for it while you go back to letting us do all of the work again. You tried for an hour, and want a cookie now.
Does that sound bitter? Maybe a bit. But I will still be willing to do most of the work in my next attempt at romance. That's how life is for us, and to a large extent we have to simply accept that if we're to have friends and lovers. I don't mean to sound bitter, and perhaps he's not. But I think that if I'm not willing to sound a bit negative the message simply isn't going to get across. It's not a nice message, not a nice truth that we face.