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Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in a supreme being?

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Interesting point, but it's not just a fire in your metaphor, it would be arson, if god knew a fire were to start and everyone would die, just to return to heaven, what's the point in creating them in the first place? To die? So why stop people from killing themselves if they simply return to heaven? Unless they go to hell for killing themselves, but if god can make their lives better and worth living, why wouldn't he deliver them from hell?
Interesting point, but it's not just a fire in your metaphor, it would be arson, if god knew a fire were to start and everyone would die, just to return to heaven, what's the point in creating them in the first place? To die?

There is no death for eternal souls. Only mortal experiences accrued that can't be experienced in our native environment. Death is just part of the overall experience of temporarily being mortal. That one either learns from this very personalized lesson and goes home to return again on new and different terms, or simply repeat the lesson in whole or in part in another incarnation.

Your soul remains the same. Only your incarnations on this plane of existence change.

Hell? Interesting concept. But what if there actually is no such thing? Seems to me it's not required when you can find so much evil in mortals on Earth.
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This is true, without death life cannot exist.

But only with respect to mortal life on this plane of existence. It's all a temporary state here. All to learn lessons of some kind that may mean nothing to us while we are here.

Just imagine if all of us here chose our autism when we sculpted this incarnation while still on "the other side". ;)
But what is a soul exactly? Our personalities? They're formed from years of experience and our individual genetic code, which would imply we don't have a soul until a certain point in our lives. If it's something else, I wouldn't know what that is.

So if we don't have souls, we are nothing more than an ape body controlled by a mass of neurons that uses previously recorded data to live to see tomorrow.

......but yet again that's just my meme, and if I sounded more aggressive in that last paragraph my apologies, but all I can say is this and this alone:

At the end of the day, you have your meme, and I, mine. Let's just be content with that.
But what is a soul exactly? Our personalities? They're formed from years of experience and our individual genetic code, which would imply we don't have a soul until a certain point in our lives. If it's something else, I wouldn't know what that is.

I can only speculate on that. Perhaps the sum total of every incarnation we have ever been. Not something that likely makes sense from a mortal perspective, but it may make perfect sense on the other side, where it may be possible that we really are all things to all people. Where physical concerns like genetic code may be irrelevant.

Seems to me the trick in speculating on such things is to do so from a perspective of possibilities on the other side. Not the physical limitations of this plane of existence as we think we know them.
Firstly my physics forbid a true multi-universe but there are some states that in physical looks and movement may give the operational apearance of of that state...meaning you could drop a apple out a door on some worlds it would float up...that's all I wish to say on that for now.

Second God is forced to allow a certain amount of suffering on our world in order to prevent a bloody planet destroying civil war acrossed our galaxy led by Lucifer craftily preaching lies about freedom and self determination.

Thirdly the Bible does not say the universe was made in one week, that is totally incorrect, there are clear referrences to ancient works and creations in the Bible. Further more if you read the context properly on the creation of stars, it was just a passing reference to creation in our earth solar system not the galaxy. The proper way to read it is, God says I made all these things on earth and it's moon and seasons, (orbits), and oh by the way I made the earth systems stars, (planets) also. There was no word for planets in those early times and venus, (a planet), was clearly called the morning star during that time.

P.S. I know the basic dark energy science for pulling planets out of the sun, God did not wave a wand and pop anything into existance.

General Evolution that doesn't get in Gods way, is not forbidden by the Bible, but I'm tired of stupid arguments on the evolution science, I never get any credit when I win them, even when I use the evolutionists own science theories to do it, if you want something on that go track down my old posts.

I don't feel like speaking on anything else...so I wont.
Moderator speaking:
AnthonyH, Judge, Maelstrom,
Guys, this thread isn't supposed to be the setting for a religious debate. AC does have rules against religious debate. It is true that its objective importance coupled with the fact of the vastly differing viewpoints and beliefs that float around in the online community make it a worthy topic of discussion and debate, but AC has not presented itself as the place to hold such debates.
Moderator speaking:
Guys, this thread isn't supposed to be the setting for a religious debate. AC does have rules against religious debate. It is true that its objective importance coupled with the fact of the vastly differing viewpoints and beliefs that float around in the online community make it a worthy topic of discussion and debate, but AC has not presented itself as the place to hold such debates.
Sorry! I go sideways when I hear the Bible, or science laws miss quoted, it's a OCD thing maybe:rolleyes:. I'm that way on everything politics, weather gardening, economics...etcetera...etcetera...I'm a real aspie:rolleyes:
My belief systems go only so far. I never lose sight of the possibility of being wrong- in whole or in part. It's why I can discuss them, maybe rationalize them, but not truly debate them. That ultimately everyone must find their own truths on their own terms- whatever they may be.

And yet there's always the possibility that we're not really supposed to have all the answers. No point in learning or taking much of any "test" if the answers are handed to you. But in the end, who really knows? ;)
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No, I don't ///believe/// in a supreme being and I find it hard to reason with people who believe in a supreme being because I am a flawed and horrible person.

Also, orthodox religious beliefs have been considered as mass hysteria by the book recently. Google it if you don't believe (obviously the moderator who edited my post didn't). Orthodox meaning extremist. I am aware some people follow the so called Orthodox Church which isn't even Orthodox.
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I believe in beauty, a devine beaty that is in all nature and how perfectly imperfect everything is. I think that god is what makes a seed turn into a plant. maby not a man in the sky but an entity of happyness and the prosperity of all life. I dont believe in organised religions as there is alot of control involved but i believe in good morals and some learn these through religion. I think god is a natural force which will protect us from man controling the world, god is the reason it takes so much effort to keep society running, as man uses more than his share in the world and god is the entity that will prevent man gaining complete control over the world, this is a natural planet and i believe god will save it, i get how it is blasphemy to have more than one higher power, if you believe in the power of money and getting far in society you are going against god as society is a selfish entity that puts humans at the top. we think we are so important, puting animals in cages, destroying forestry for comersial products, we are disgusting consumers that blead the world dry. god will stop it and i want to be stopped, i dont want to be part of a species that goes against the rest. why should humans get the right to decide that bears and wolves are a threat to humans so kill them all in some contries. these decisions are nothing but selfish and i have to believe in a god because i believe in a devel and its human.
I'm with you on a huge lot of that. I don't believe in God/Satan, but I do believe we are the destroyers, and that the world would be a better place without us. We are a selfish species, and quite stupid, in my opinion...the earth would thrive without us, and the rest of it's beautiful inhabitants, as well.
I follow the native American spiritual path so, my higher power is known to me as Great Spirit but, yes to me that is God, Allah, Yaweh or whatever name you choose.

I don't think any one religion or path has everything correct, my own included but, there are truths in each and every one of them. Finding what rings true for you is a personal journey and, the relationship with your higher power is a personal one. No one is 100% wrong or 100% right, we are all human and, all fallible, all right on some points.

In the end, if you believe it is true in your heart, then, that is your truth, even if it is not mine or anyone else's and, I respect that.
I only believe in things that have data supporting them. I don't see any data supporting the existence of a divine creator. If anybody does then please point it out to me (please don't mention the bible which was written by humans, not by a divine creator).

Should data negating a belief become available I will change that belief. That is the only logical way to deal with the universe and expand our understanding of it. We used to believe in Newtonian physics and now we believe in Einstein's version. Beliefs change. There is no permanent, universal belief - get over it.
I believe in many...but i believe the xtian god has been tied down and beaten into submission to the point that it is no longer responsive.
When I tell people I don't think there is any such thing as this god of theirs or a soul or anything like that, they always say something like, "Oh so you think we're just animals." As a wolf, I gotta say I don't see what's the big deal.
third.webp *howls*

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