What is interesting is that the three biggest bullies were disguised as friends, and were all brilliant and well known in various entertainment circuits.
My biggest bully became a radio personality. He was " The thing that wouldn't leave", as he would drive 65 miles to see me unannounced since he had no phone ( 1972-79). He would expect me to entertain him about 12-14 hours straight on weekends, and a few hours if he showed up during the week.
I tried to confront him about this, but he verbally defeated me, as his IQ was genius level. He was a D student because he did not care about school. I could not concentrate on college homework because i was afraid he would show up at any time, and I would not be able to get rid of him. This affected my concentration for seven years, and is a major reason I under achieved academically.
One day I could not take it anymore, and I threw my physics book on the ground and spit on it.
I last saw him in 1979, but in 1986 while at my health club, I heard his voice almost every night I was there, since his radio program was broadcast at the gym.
Bully number two was almost as smart and even more accomplished.
He became a television producer and politician, and was well known in the celebrity circuit.
The third bully, who dumped the trash can over my head and stole and ripped away my textbooks, became a punk rock musician.
I haven't seen bully # 2 since 1980, but he tried to get a hold of me on facebook this year AHHHH!
When things really got bad was when bullies 1 and 2 became friends in 1973.
They loved to tease taunt, and ridicule me.