I was reading an article about autism and why autistics are more vulnerable to rape and domestic abuse, etc. Some of the reasons it suggested was lack of friends to warn us of someone's reputation. Gullability and naivety and inability to recognize dangerous situations and read peoples motives. And I'll add, at least for myself, inability to defend oneself or nicely fight off unwanted advances or treatment.
My mom pressured me into dating - because I needed to get out and be with others. She pushed me into dating M. I was 15, naïve, shy, no friends, didn't know how to deal with the world, immature in social aspects, etc, etc. Of course my mom didn't know I had these problems, when I was bullied or mistreated no one ever knew about it, I kept it to myself out of embarrassment. So I go out with M and all he's interested in is sex. I'm saying no over and over, I don't want to but he doesn't stop and I don't know how to physically fight him off. I don't tell anyone because I feel embarrassed and guilty and should have stopped it, even though I didn't know how. My parents like M, who happens to be my brothers best friend, and even my brother gets mad at me if I don't want to go out with M any more, so I'm pressured into continuing to date him. By the time I'm 16 I'm pregnant and my parents force me to marry M. I really didn't want to, but even M was making threats if I didn't like if I didn't he would kill himself. I was a little girl in maturity, what was I supposed to do?
So I guess I'm saying, we ARE more vulnerable to mistreatment because everything about us says we are weak and don't fight back and easy prey. I feel like if we could be taught from a young age how to defend ourselves and stand up for ourselves the worst part of being autistic would not be such a problem and everything else wouldn't be so hard to live with. Sure, we're taught to 'just say no', but just saying no doesn't work and we need to learn how to STOP the abuse. So far, the only thing we have as a solution is to get away. Think about it - every mention of mistreatment, every piece of advice is get as far away as possible. Yes, that's a feasible solution, but there has to be something else so we can actually live among this type of person because they are everywhere, and actually stop it instead of always just running from it. (And I'm guilty, too - I always advise to get away. But that's the first step of protecting self, not the only step).