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Does Asperger "have" to be ASD1?

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Then what about intermediate option. Like you can have

ASD 1- roughly ASD 0.7
ASD 1 (self explanatory)
ASD 1+ roughly ASD 1.3
ASD 2- roughly ASD 1.7
ASD 2 (self explanatory)
ASD 2+ roughly ASD 2.3
ASD 3- roughly ASD 2.7
ASD 3 (self explanatory)
ASD 3+ roughly ASD 3.3
In your scheme, 1.5s & 2.5s will still be uncertain (as they are now). And there are enough autistics where those will occur.

(BTW, ASD0.5 is known as Half-Aspergers... ;))
So the "socially active" ones are from last decade? Does it mean that people WERE getting diagnosed with Asperger last decade, even though this diagnosis wasn't officially available?

Or are you saying ASD 1 people are socially active? If so, would the people diagnosed with Asperger in the 90-s, who are not socially active, be considered ASD 2?

You really like to beat dead horses, don't you? I think you're one of those people who just likes to argue and provoke others into having some sort of contact with you under your guise of faking interest in the very questions you ask. Narcissists are known for asking provocative questions in order to obtain constant attention and admiration. They have an insatiable appetite for it and are emotionally dead inside. You're a newcomer here and your threads and arguments basically are all the same thing, over and over again.

This wonderful website is intended to support people on the spectrum so here's my support for you: get some therapy to learn how to relate to others and to gain some glimmer of understanding as to why others do not want contact with you. It might improve your life.
Please don't talk about me like that. You don't know me. You have no reason to be commenting on anything about me and trying to start drama.

Amen to what you said, @Luca. This poster - or whatever he/she/it is - does nothing here but try to entangle people in ridiculous and circular arguments. There's a name for that and it starts with the letter "T".
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