Co-occurring Disorder of Intellectual Development
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder may exhibit limitations in intellectual abilities. If present, a separate diagnosis of Disorder of Intellectual Development should be assigned, using the appropriate category to designate severity (i.e., Mild, Moderate, Severe, Profound, Provisional). Because social deficits are a core feature of Autism Spectrum Disorder, the assessment of adaptive behaviour as a part of the diagnosis of a co-occurring Disorder of Intellectual Development should place greater emphasis on the intellectual, conceptual, and practical domains of adaptive functioning than on social skills.
If no co-occurring diagnosis of Disorder of Intellectual Development is present, the following qualifier for the Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis should be applied:
- without Disorder of Intellectual Development
If there is a co-occurring diagnosis of Disorder of Intellectual Development, the following qualifier for the Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis should be applied, in addition to the appropriate diagnostic code for the co-occurring Disorder of Intellectual Development:
- with Disorder of Intellectual Development