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That is so sweet and thoughtful Streetwise. I am 50 and I live in Australia. I've always been shy and avoided eye contact. I put it down to culture and have mixed heritage Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. I have social anxiety but I have pushed through and masked it a lot. I used to dance Argentine tango. It was my way of getting 'free hugs' eithout having to be in a relationship or talk too much. I have b
thanks trying to be NT find it hard as I seem to be regressing in the way I communicate so I'll have to stop byeThat is so sweet and thoughtful Streetwise. I am 50 and I live in Australia. I've always been shy and avoided eye contact. I put it down to culture and have mixed heritage Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. I have social anxiety but I have pushed through and masked it a lot. I used to dance Argentine tango. It was my way of getting 'free hugs' eithout having to be in a relationship or talk too much. I have b
Hey Jessica! Yeah I totally relate with the part about how you obsessed over an actress/her fictional characters. That is exactly what I have been doing for 3 years now, although the actress I obsessed over I am now over and have moved on to another one. Its so funny you mentioned that. They end up becoming my role models/idols and their life always looks perfect and like they have everything I don't have: the world's love, friends, so many people who love and adore and care for them. I get pretty jealous over them and its hard to not compare myself to them. Do you relate?
Fictional characters are grossly underrated! I have a whole group of characters I like or find inspirational, from various movies, video games, even stories.
This thread is more for new members might be shy to introduce themselves.
No need to fear, you joined a great site. No rush to introduce yourself. Take the time you need. But once you are ready to introduce yourself, you will be greeted by many people.
Yours Truly,
Chilly Willy @The Penguin
I have some of the same things as well I'm bad at math and all that I don't mind my head being touch much but my feet I HATE it when people touch the bottom of my feet , and I copied my friends behavior patterns and expression when I was a younger I still do it a little but not as much as I use to but there's some more stuff ya said that I can relat to but it would be a longer message but anyway I'm new here my self and I'm trying to get some advice\help with my aspergers as well , if I can help ya in any way or if ya just wanna talk to a fellow aspie then message me anytime my friendHello,
My name is Jessica..I do not have a known diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome. I am reaching out to people because I am not sure whether or not to get a diagnosis. When I researched about the female traits and symptoms and taken the tests it always was a possibility of autism but it is hard to find it in all women. The spectrum is so wide and I really do want an answer and just to ask people how they cope with their daily struggles. I function in life and have had some friends, boyfriends though who were only manipulative or verbally abusive/childish. I get taken advantage of alot, I am turning 28 in May. In a conversation I have a hard time knowing when it is my turn I often hear that I go off on another route of conversation. Since I was about 3, I have had some sound sensitivity like certain pitch noises and some sudden loud sounds. I jump up and down and flap my hands/arms in the mirror still to this day. I have listened to the same song over and over since 8th grade. I do not understand alot of jokes and I have copied friends voice tones and facial expressions in the mirror over the years too. Terrible at algebra processing it all because theres too many kinds of problems to remember but I can remember I obsessed over an actress and her fictional characters for a few years remembering all about her as well as dressing like her in 9th grade/halloween. My fears are childish, like I have to keep the door open when im sleeping and I sometimes feel I need to climb in bed with my mother. English has been a strong point in school for me as well as factual science. I remember everyones birthdays too and have a hard time paying attention as people ask if I have ADD. I dont like my neck being touched at all. I prefer comfortable clothing. Anyone else relate in any way?
My name is Jessica..I do not have a known diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome. I am reaching out to people because I am not sure whether or not to get a diagnosis. When I researched about the female traits and symptoms and taken the tests it always was a possibility of autism but it is hard to find it in all women. The spectrum is so wide and I really do want an answer and just to ask people how they cope with their daily struggles. I function in life and have had some friends, boyfriends though who were only manipulative or verbally abusive/childish. I get taken advantage of alot, I am turning 28 in May. In a conversation I have a hard time knowing when it is my turn I often hear that I go off on another route of conversation. Since I was about 3, I have had some sound sensitivity like certain pitch noises and some sudden loud sounds. I jump up and down and flap my hands/arms in the mirror still to this day. I have listened to the same song over and over since 8th grade. I do not understand alot of jokes and I have copied friends voice tones and facial expressions in the mirror over the years too. Terrible at algebra processing it all because theres too many kinds of problems to remember but I can remember I obsessed over an actress and her fictional characters for a few years remembering all about her as well as dressing like her in 9th grade/halloween. My fears are childish, like I have to keep the door open when im sleeping and I sometimes feel I need to climb in bed with my mother. English has been a strong point in school for me as well as factual science. I remember everyones birthdays too and have a hard time paying attention as people ask if I have ADD. I dont like my neck being touched at all. I prefer comfortable clothing. Anyone else relate in any way?
Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am 66 and I've spent my entire life seeking help for my social awkwardness, anxiety and general fear of everything outside my door. As you can imagine they pasted lots of labels on me and filled me full of lots of drugs that helped just enough to keep me taking them for years, but did not really solve the root problems. Several years ago, a professional suggested that my son was on the autism spectrum which seemed odd considering he has a 150+ IQ, but he's had problems from earliest childhood that no one could diagnose either, so, being a skilled researcher, I dug in. It took me several years to go through enough material to be sure I understood it all, but when I did, I understood that most of my family has all, or at least some, of the symptoms of ASDs. I worked with a therapist for about 6 months and we came to the agreement that probably all of us have what was classically considered Asperger's Syndrome. But there was more. we all had PTSD diagnoses as well, and as I dug into that research, I understood why all of were suffering so. Chronic stress damages the brain, actually rewiring parts of it, making us susceptible further stress injury because the brain cannot stop pumping out stress hormones, which damages the entire body, as well as the brain, and frequently, in my family, causes our brains to just go on vacation for a while.
I became totally and permanently disabled 15 years ago from this damage, and am now working hard to get help for the next generation of my family. I suspect that the stress of not being able to understand the world around us is the cause of the initial injury. I was in my 30s before I actually started to comprehend what was going on with other people, and how these relationship things worked, but I can recall how frightened and anxious I was about everything as far as back as I have memories. If you combine the genetic components of Asperger's and the stress of the autistic characteristics it seems to tie everything up in a pretty neat package. I'd like to know what others think about this.
not sure what that means. *embarrassed face*But I know all is goose goose on my own world.
Hey every one!
My name is Alexandra. I live in africa and i have been oficially diagnosed with high functioning autism last year. Idk what else to say other then I'm glad to be here
Oml those flowers are to die for!