Well shoot, you know what they say,
"You get what you pay for"
I thought i was being generous, in terms of compensation, alas times have changed. Once it was that comedic improv costumed perfomers, as they liked to be called, were quite content to work for snacks, goods taken in trade, simple shelter and peanuts.
"We work all day for peanuts" was a slogan once upon a time, according to my research. Perhaps i missed something...
Deserted by my own people, bereft, betrayed, and abandoned, with nothing to show for it, but a broken heart, several issues of massive and priceless solid gold statuary, framed artwork that i recently acquired and The Nautilus, i start drinking straight sherry from crystal snifter, listening to german opera, and writing bad poetry.
Yes its true, Uncle Oscar left her to me when he went off to study in Tibet. Massive., beautiful, and highly advanced the NAUTILUS was this whole time moored in lake tahoe, right under your nose.
This time i know i have to do what any responsible and conservative grown man with a machavelian world view, delusions of granduer, fanatic napoleonic impulses and his own nuclear submarine would do;
Hire some help.
Walker texas ranger wont take my calls, dolf lundgren is trying to build a house, and so on down the list of my rolodex. Finally i settle on charlies angels, and we agree on a price.
So not one, not two, but three kungfu badaxe grrls catch up to you at the craft supply store and, and take you away by a prius helicopter to a feminist reeducation center, which is for some strange reason called
a "spiritual retreat" and costs 25k a week.
Content in the knowledge that you will be out of action for what will seem like a very long time,[to you] i relish the thought of your upcoming tribulation as i adjust the cookie on its stand, which is bolted to the deck, thats locked in my bank vault, that is inside a strongroom, which is inside a submarine, that has just settled down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest ocean in the world.
Schadenfruede fills me with its dark purple familiar glow as i think about you stuck in a yurt, eating trail mix, learning to open your chakras, spirit whistling, and doing interpretive dance while you are surrounded by power point presentations and people chanting mantras. And yoga. Lots of yoga.