A guy/person who looks like a thug would have a glowering
I didn't know the word "growering" so I just googled it and it said angry. If thats what it means then I guess my expression is, in fact, angry at times -- particularly when I am obsessing as to why no one approaches me. But then when I stop obsessing about it and think about something nice then this changes. I did notice that when I got one of my papers published people acted somewhat more friendly towards me, probably because I was looking happy. But I said "somewhat" for a reason: I still haven't made any friends that way, it was more like they said hi when they wouldn't have otherwise.
By not speaking freely do you mean not approaching people? In this case thats also true: like I said I wait for others to approach me. Although on the other hand IF others approach me AND ask me some questions about my life THEN I can start talking non-stop, but most people aren't willing to do that.
In any case I am surprised you said thugs don't speak freely: I mean when I picture the guys with the other features you were describing it seems like they don't care and if they don't care, then what would be stopping them from speaking their mind any time they feel like it?
One of my ex-s did tell me that I grunt, but it didn't put her off she was kind of making a joke about it. And I believe I was grunting when I was thinking about physics, or concentrating on something else like that. So I am not sure why would thugs grunt its not like they have lots to think about.
Makes gestures that are rude.
One gesture my mom doesn't like is that when I am trying to show her where to go instead of saying "turn left and go to the green building" I simply point with my finger since its a lot easier. She said pointing with finger is rude. Other examples, perhaps even more prominent, are the ones when I am arguing with someone, and trying to explain certain concept, I am gesticulating with my hands a lot. I guess using gestures is what everyone does, but I do it a bit more than others. On the other hand, when I have shown someone a video of one of my physics talk they said the opposite that I seem expression-less and without many gestures. So I guess its depends on a situation. Like if there is nothing to excite me I can be expressionless or if I have a point to make then I can use gestures too much. I guess the fact that gestures reflect situation is common for everyone, thats what gestures are for. But maybe others tone it down a bit but in my case, as one of my professors put it, I can be "animated". And that also goes back to the smile issue. Back in my happy days when I was younger I was told I smile too much, and nowdays I am told I don't smile at all (and, mind you, I never made conscious effort one way or the other). So which way is it? Maybe my moods simply show more than with others, both ways.
Yeah that happens too. Back in high school I got in trouble because I came late to class and, without noticing it, I tried to move the teacher out of the way like I would move a chair. From my mom's point of view I bump into people a lot more than that and don't notice it: at least this is the explanation she offers when I ask her why do girls cross the street when I walk. But it is pretty hard to believe since the streets in question are really wide and not crowded at all so I don't see how I might bump into them, but my mom thinks I do (although of course she never been there so she can't know). The other thing my mom is telling me, which is more likely, is that due to the fact that I have such a large backpack full of books, I keep hitting people with my backpack on crowded places such as busses and airplanes. At first I didn't believe her but then when she actually pointed out me hitting someone with a backpack at the exact place and time when it happened, then I saw she was right. But still, that would only be applicable to busses/airplane, and not so much to wide empty street.
However, when I asked my pastor for some tips, he DID mention that I should stop carrying such a big backpack, although he gave a different reason from my mom: what he said is that since people don't know there are books there, some people might wonder if I have weapons. I never had any weapons by the way, but the pastor said people might not know it. And the other feedback regarding my backpack I received over 10 years ago when one of the girls I dated for a short while (who also happened to have Asperger) told me that when she saw my backpack she thought that maybe I am homeless and so I have all the food and whatever I need to live on the streets in the bag. Now, I assumed its just her weirdness rather than mine -- like I said she had Asperger and she acted strange and needy in other areas. But this past year when few people tried to offer me money, I am guessing she might be right.
In any case, the reason I have a large backpack is that I am trying to study physics at restaurants or whatever other places I frequent, and when I study physics I don't just read one book: rather I might need to look up at some other book, so I don't feel like constantly running back and forth to pick other books, so its a lot more convenient to simply have it all in my backpack. I guess you might say thats what office is for. But I guess I get tired of feeling "stuck" in the office the entire day, so I want to go to other places in order to change the scenary, and thats why I have to carry all my books with me. But then my officemates DID wonder why they never seen me in the office, so maybe I SHOULD somehow learn to be in the office more: and that would help me out both with my officemates not wondering where I am AND with everyone else not seeing huge backpack all the time. And by the way, the officemates DO talk to me, its everyone ELSE that doesn't, so maybe if I could be in the office more I could make friends with officemates. True, officemates are males, or at least used to be (I don't know about the new school I am transferring to); but maybe once I am friends with them I can make friends with others -- both males and females -- through them.
Acts like
he doesn't care about other people; is oblivious to them.
Being "oblivious" is part of Asperger's isn't it. As far as not caring, I care about things I am consciously aware of. But the fact that I have some "blind spots" in my mind makes me "not care" about whatever that happens to be covered by said blind spots.
I am not "thick set". I am 5'9'' tall and I am 150 lbl.
I don't see myself as obnoxious, I see myself as shy. But whether or not others MISINTERPRET me as abnoxious, thats an interesting question.
Like I said, I am grumpy, but ONLY because I am upset about social rejection, as well as the fact that my career isn't going the way I wanted it to.
dressed in dark dull colors.
My dress has all kinds of colors, both bright and dark, so overall no its not dark.
Once again, don't see myself as mean, but whether others see me this way thats an interesting question.
and thinks that it is funny to hurt people &
I am opposite to that. In fact, I would go out of my way to take flowers off of the street so that others won't step on them, and I feel bad about the fact that they kill animals in shelters; I wish all the shelters were no-kill.
Sometimes I do feel its funny to hurt people by making political statements they disagree with. But thats only because I assume its a minor hurt (whether that assumption is right or wrong). I would never want to cause people any major hurt.
A perfect example of my feeling sympathy towards people is the way I stayed with my ex, J. for two years despite the fact that I stopped liking her after the first year, only because she was really sick and depressed and I didn't want her to feel "betrayed". I always feel sympathy towards anyone weaker than me (be that human or animal) the only reason I come across as lacking empathy is due to the fact that I view others as strong and myself as a victim. But when it is clearly not the case (such as my ex being sick) then my attitude changes 180. In fact, when my ex was breaking up with me, she said (in an insulting way) that I need to get a girl that is permanently sick, since thats the only way I can act caring. Well I guess I don't need girl that is permanently sick, I just need to do away with my victim mentality.
But in any case, I never in my life "physically" hurt anyone, the only way I hurt people is emotionally.
I would never do that. Just like I never physically hurt people, I never cause physical damage to property either.
NOTE: This is not a description of you.
I have never seen you. I am reacting to the word "thug."
Other people may think of a thug differently, but that is the
picture that comes to me hearing the word.
I know that! But my question is whether I "come across" the wrong way -- which of course is misperception on other people's part, but such misperception might be something I want to avoid in future.