I accept your wall of text, and
raise you another.
It's probably come up already, but likely you have autism and OCD, ADD, and SPD are your main three comorbids, with a touch of social anxiety.
Let's just get this out of the way: I am EXTREMELY sensitive. [...] I also get irrationally sad when another kid (one of my friends, usually a boy) gets in trouble.
Cynthia Kim from Musings of an Aspie discusses that odd sort of sensitivity where somebody else gets in trouble and YOU feel guilty. I do that too. Really annoying, ain't it?
FYI, I HATE being interrupted when I'm watching a video or listening to music. I get into a zone, and when my mom tries to talk to me about random stuff or yells at me to do my work I get extremely mad. I clench my muscles and groan and act very weird. It's an almost wired physical reaction. Sometimes, I cry when I have to go out, cause I was in the middle of something. I need to be told and have time to prepare in advance to go out, or I'll either get angry or cry. I refused to go to dinner the other day because my parents told me to just get dressed and go, but I was sweaty and feeling unclean and I refused to do it, because I wasn't allowed to shower.
Oo, I hear ya! Zones are nice places to be, you spend so much of your day tensed up and hyperaware of everything so you don't offend people by being too weird, so you go to zone out and relax or go in the zone so you've got all the brain power you need to focus on a project. And then somebody bugs you and shatters it to a million pieces.
It's also common Aspie behaviour to like to have routines, rituals, and a proper heads-up to prepare for something. I have a house rule that nobody just drops in unannounced, I must have a day's notice first. Of course, I also work from home, so I can hit people with a double whammy of being rude, and also being unprofessional and disrespectful of my job. I tend to keep myself busy trying to keep finances up, so I can get particularly aggressive with unwanted visitors.
School:- I fail math, and struggle in science. I do ok in science depending on which subject. But Math I always do bad in. Because I never pay any attention when the concepts are explained. This is what led me ot believe I had ADD, along with the foot jiggling. I'm good at language, depending ono the teacher. I'm also good at Social Studies, but I am bad at turning in assignments (as with all my classes).
No worries, not every Aspie is a math whiz. I didn't come into my math skills until college because I hated how imprecise algebra was. But we do have quite a few running around the forum that suck at math, so you're not alone or disqualified.
However, I play piano as a well, but I struggle with it. I can play hands separate fluently, but when I pay with both hands I'm terrible. It takes me a few moths to play a very easy piece solidly.
There are Aspies that have very poor coordination like that. I never got two-handed playing down well on the piano, even though I can type well. Something about pressing down with a finger on both hands at once throws me off.
However, my biggest hobby would probably be performing arts. I am greatly involved in my schools Drama program, taking part in school plays and musicals, which my Drama Teacher says I'm very good in. I also an a dancer. This is where my parents start to refuse the idea of aspergers. They think that people with Aspergers are too shy to do Drama work or something of the sort. But believe me, I egt as nervous as anybody, because I feel people will laugh at me for the way I deliver my lines. It doesn't help that I liked a boy in my class, but that's besides the point. I get nervous that EVERYONE will think I'm weird.
On the contrary, there have been some well off actors of movies and theatres that were on the spectrum! And some also have beautiful coordination for dance, martial arts, and other physical things like that, even if they're an absolute klutz at home. Some Aspies who get really focused on studying social routines to blend in sometimes gravitate strongly to theatre since there they can really act out and test their social skills without the repercussions of doing it in person or "for real". And of course some just really love it like any Aspie would a special interest.
Social Life: I can function quite normally at school, but I'm shyer than people think. I usually look people in the eyes only briefly, and focus on either the floor/wall, or another point of their face to mimci eye-contact. This is usually more with boys, even though I don't have any romantic feelings for them. I mean, even if I don't have romantic feelings for them. I act the samea round a boy I have a crush on. I also Don't like talking too much, because I don't like my voice (Very deep for a young girl) and it gets loud unintentionally.And because of how odd it is when it's coming form me, people usually look at me when I'm talking (I mean pretty intensely, and I hate it). But sometimes I'll rattle on and don't realize people are getting bored or fed up. I also hate sall tlak and don't ask people things for the sake of conversation. But mostly I hate it when people expect me to answer. I have a friend who's a small-talker and I loiek her a lot, but it drives me NUTS. I'm scared to approach people who I think are more popular than me, even though I sit with the popular girls at lunch (though I am not popular myself.) But it gets so awkward trying to carry on conversation. I leave as soon as I'm done eating to go to the library and go on my computer or read. I usually prefer to eat lunch in the bathroom, which I've been doing recently. It's just less awkward.
All quite normal for spectrum folk. I don't make eye contact either, but I've learned to trick people by staring at a nose, above their head, or something that's in the general direction of their eyes so they don't get scared or offended. Aspies also tend to have issues with speed and volume control when they talk, and as you know we tend to prattle on about things we like no matter how much it bores another person.
But I don't like going to the gym or outside, especially wearing certain clothes, because I think people are judging me constantly. I wear pretty androgynous/ boyish clothes, and I am quite a tomboy. I enjoy wearing dresses in moderation, but I feel people I'm silly for wearing them. I feel more comfortable in public with more boyish clothes. I feel like people take me more seriously. I also wear the same few T-shirts for various reasons. More on that if you're interested.
I'm a tomboy too. Not just for SPD reasons, but also because I find dresses highly impractical. Oddly, that's quite the female Aspie symptom. A lot of Aspies male or female are androgynous, so you fit in there as well. Of course, there are a few high-fashion Aspies about that are aces and extremely um, "gendered" (?) in their outfits, but most of us lean toward casual and neutral.
I also have friends that are mostly boys. I have friends that are girls, but less. I get along with boys better. Most of the boys in my school find me pretty cool, and I make friends with lots of boys of either older or younger grades.
However, I struggle to initiate friendships, because of my shyness. I recall once seeing a group of kids in my school musical laughing and goofing off before the show (they are a grade/year above me) and going ot the bathroom and crying hysterically because I didn't have friends like that. I think this is a contributing factor to my depression.
A good bit of Aspies girls don't get along with other girls. Many of us also have very few friends, if any. In fact, some doctors out there will dismiss you as being on the spectrum if you want friends at all, so there's an idea just how bad our social graces can be. I feel your pain, I was quite the reject at your age. Every time I seemed to make a friend, they'd ignore me and start hanging out with the "cool" kids and never have anything to do with me. It gets easier as you get older, kids grow up and start acting with decency some day. Be patient and keep at it, you'll be able to have a friend some day.
I have an slight computer addiction. It's what I do most of the time until my parents kick me off. I get up everyday (on a non-school day) and go on my computer first thing. I used to read and draw for hours, until my I got addicted. I have a group of videos I watch everyday, but I always put off watching them because I watch others (due to side/recommended videos) causing me to stay up really late, because I NEED to finish the videos. This is where my OCD rituals differed from my other routines. Because these were not done out of anxiety, but something else. I also have a folder of pictures of fantasy aspects (Heaven+hell, knights,the cosmos that sort of stuff) I have these videos and pictures because like I said I am a writer (well, kinda) and I feel these things help my creative flow and get the tone I want for the story. Most of these youtube videos are of Phantom of the Opera. Weird, I know. I don't really know how to explain. I will go more in-depth on my Phantom obsession in the correct forum. I anyone of you are interested, please tell me and I will give you the link once it's finished.
If you feel bad about your collection, I shall send you a screenshot of mine and how many GB (!) of data I have stored for art references or further reading. I am quite the pack rat!
I have a fantasy/medieval obsession. I used to LOVE playing games where my friends and I would just create a world in our minds and pretend to be different characters. I was usually a Knight/Viking or some kind of rough and tough character. I just loved the imagination used in the game, and how anything was possible, but most of all because it was with my friends. I'm still pretty young, but I miss that TERRIBLY. I hope maybe next school year I can convince some of my friends ( If I have any. My best (girl)friend is moving. I still have my best guy friend, fortunately.) Luckily, some of my friends are still obsessed with Marvel, DC< and anythign in between. One of my best friends is obsessed with Batman, who he claims to be numerous times. My other friend used to call himself Venom.
I also like listening to medieval music and looking at costumes. Long story short, anything related to those kind of aspects. I also enjoy video games. I'm not a gamer girl per say, but I do enjoy the good old Xbox. Probably because I ave an older brother.
Despite what some "experts" say, Aspies are quite capable of vivid imaginations! In fact, an obsession with fantasy is one of the
informal diagnostic criteria for females.
Now I know how you got your username! =)
The Phantom of the Opera is a good book too if you haven't read it yet,
you can get it off of Project Gutenberg for free and legally for free. If you don't have an ereader, Firefox has an epub extension so you can read it off your browser too. It's one of my favorite books and it had a really good movie too, so I can't fault you for liking it.
My building got renovated, and I was incredibly mad. I hated how they were changing it. I wanted it to be the same. I wanted to make sure I had pictures of the building before they changed it. Even when they changed the security code button pad I was bummed.
This was actually my first introduction to autism. A good friend of mine had a bunch of work ordered on her apartment building by the landlord and it nearly drove her insane between the chaos, noise, disruption of routine, and changes made. I'm the same way, I get very attached to my surroundings. So you're normal in that respect.
I am weirdly drawn to what others consider macabre. I read lot's of horror ( I have a book of the best of H.P. Lovecraft). I also have a fascination with elements of death, and hell. Some of the aspects of this might stem from my OCD, others probably not. It's not an anxious way. I'm not scared of it. I find it, for a lack of better words, epic. I just find it so amazing. Tell me if you're interested in learning more about this.
That sums up my childhood and early teens. I read every RL Stine book I could get ahold of, I later discovered Lovecraft, and I had some particularly dark and gruesome writings of my own. My advice is to learn how to filter that interest when you're around other people. People are scared, flighty little critters that frighten easily and you don't want them making weird accusations of you and trying to ruin your life by going around saying you're an axe murderer or something.
My room still has the smiley flowers and butterflies from when I was in 1st grade. I'm too embarrassed to let anyone in my room, bu I don't really wanna change it. Not just for stability. I like it. I stilll watch shows for little kids, be it shows for actual babies/toddlers of for 7 year olds. I watched them proudly still about 4th grade (Hannah Montana was a favourite LOL), and then watched them in private. I still watch Disney Channel shows (the good ones, mind you
QUITE normal, I assure you. As an artist, I can get away with watching animation as "research", and as a mom I can get away with it because "the kid likes it". I say don't blame the Aspie for liking the kiddie stuff, blame Hollywood for making such boring stuff for adults!
I used to think all things had souls. Well, most things at least. Main things. I think part of this is my OCD, but possibly part due to my possible Aspergers syndrome. I don't really know. But i used ot get sad when any inanimate object was neglected, or thrown out. I used to feel sorry for it, and tell it that I loved them. ESPECIALLY if they had a face. A face made it all the mroe real to me, and hurt me even more. It's excruciating for me to chuck out anything that is a character, or looks like it could be a living creature. I think this contributes to my hoarding issue.
Aye, that one likely falls mostly with your OCD. At least, I attribute mine to the OCD.
OkK, my most shameful obsession. I have a slight obsession with people. But unfortunate, it's boys only. And I don't even like them romantically. I have a sketchbook (well, I have many) and I've gone onto the school website, found their school photos, and drew them. I'm just weirdly fascinated by them Like I said before, I write, and I've started to mold characters after them (I've talked to them before and know their general personality). I wish I could monitor who they date, because I feel like they only deserve the best. I usually end up disliking their girlfriends and hoping that they'll break up (which usually happens. They are middle/high schoolers lol) And it's not only for a certain group, I feel that way with a lot of my male friends who I'm not attracted to. Not all of them, but quite a lot. But it's not a motherly kind of worry. It's not a jealous crush way either. I don't know how to feel about it.
Artists are allowed a wide berth to be eccentric and weird, so you're less likely to be labeled a creepy stalker than if a normal person was collecting pictures of people.
The possessiveness though is a bit odd, that one you'll have to keep an eye on to make sure it doesn't start to hurt you or others at a later time. It may be due to OCD, autism, or both.