The definition of "incel" was initially a simple description: "male who is celibate for any reason, and would prefer not to be celibate".
At any given time it includes quite a lot of people. ASDs are over-represented in that group, but so are homeless people, people with physical disabilities, 100% normal young men of high school age, military on active duty, divorced men, etc etc.
Note the mix: some with "special identities", who "deserve" almost as much sympathy as a sad puppy. And others who "deserve" none: they are surely the cause of their own misfortune.
Then we have "incel phase 2": "incel" redefined as the worst of the original definition, including some false claims made for political purposes. Somewhere along the way, some males sorted themselves into that category, and started talking on the web.
That led to where we are today, where the facts have become completely overshadowed by propaganda. Including much of the research /sigh.
I listened to an interview with
William Costello who is an expert (there's a link to a paper he wrote (with several others) in the wikipedia article for "incel"). His observation was: "If incels are so bad why are they associated with so little actual violence in proportion to their numbers?".
The answer to that blew away almost all of the "Pearl Clutching" weasel-worded "research". Most of it wasn't based on fact.
Another interesting and relevant factor is that "everyone" had casually ignored the known fact that
extremely violent people associate with groups of noisy, unhappy people, and may later blame any violence they perpetrate on the group.
This "reverses cause and effect", and makes the raw numbers quite suspect. The question that must be answered in every situation isn't "was the AH associated with online incels", but "was the AH violent
because they were an incel?".
This was highlighted in a very well known "goth" school shooter a few years ago. They guy's mother had told the police - paraphrased from memory - (a) he's crazy, and (b) he's turning actively violent.
Goth or deranged psychopath who had chosen to blame others for his own innate issues? Psycho OFC - Goths are weird, but not innately exceptionally violent (except for the "cutting" - I don't get that at all).
Correct for cause and effect reversal, remove one guy who isn't easily classified, but killed multiple people, and incels are more
noisy than
violent compared to other men with the same demographic.
BTW - I'll link the interview if you like, but I'm not interested in disproving any or all false claims on this topic. It's clear you've done some actual research, which I respect. But I'm not trying to change the world via AF - just keep AF honest
Back on point: About 30% of incels are ASD (Costello had data on this). We almost certainly have some in the forum. But what are the odds they are violent psychos? IMO, almost exactly the same as the odds any ASD is inclined to violence - so probably a good bit less than the male population as a whole.
Which is why I can do without people posting on-line pejorative phrases based on the "male = incel = terrorist" false equivalence (this excludes your post - reasonable dissenting views are fine).
Last point: there's something that surprisingly doesn't seem to have made it into "common knowledge", but is probably where the "new, progressive" definition of incel started: "Young Male Syndrome".
Since it must have been there at the start, I've always assumed it's left out now because it doesn't fit the political narrative ("incel = terrorist").
If you feel like tracing this, please share your conclusions. I'm interested, but I know (via other interviews by the guy who interviewed Costello) that there's work being done in this area, so I'm waiting for that.