@Au Naturel
You're reacting to the "90% false" version of definition of "incel".
Even "men feel they have a right to sex" is a dishonest reframing (not by you OFC - it's extremely common, but repetition didn't make the "gender wage gap" real either (it's been a false narrative for over 40 years)).
I'm not very interested in tracing the lies, but the numbers obviously leave room for men who want sex and/or relationships and get neither:
* Fewer and later marriages, with a steady increase in the proportion of single women
* Women are hypergamous (this is evolved, so it's not good or bad - "it is what it is")
Clearly some males (not too many as a %, but out of about 4 billion total (165 million in the US), reduced to the correct demographic, that's still a
lot of individuals.) will be left out of the game. A reminder. 30-odd percent of "incels" (i.e. those who are active in common-interest groups online) are ASD.
So we need to get away from the mainstream framing, and look at the words: in the case of incels,
"RIght" clearly doesn't mean: Check the list of accepted human rights on the UN web site, and "The Right to have sex" is there beside "The Right to body autonomy".
But there
is an obvious use of equivocation in the evolution of the false narrative. And Costello said that incels are genuinely frustrated and resentful (we can see such attitudes in this very forum), and they are prone to hyperbole.
So I don't doubt that scanning the web will come up with all kinds of intemperate language. But scanning the web provides intemperate language in a very wide range of related topics. And a lot of outright lies that operate in the other direction, some quite destructive for women, from the same source as the false "incel = terrorist" claims.
Like the wage gap BS, I
could provide examples, but most of the real-world damage has already been done, so I'm not inclined to upset people here, where it won't do any good.
So I'll close by a mild reversal of the argument: one of the underlying causes of young men having difficulties finding sexual partners is reflected in the ever increasing proportion of women who "age out" of the normal age range for having children without ever having a child or settling down (genuine LTR (a
rara avis these days) or marriage).
They have a right to do this of course, and I'm not interested in whether they have regrets or not.
The point is that it's a reasonable assumption that, due to hypergamy (which is a natural, evolved behavior in human XX's) they've probably never interacted with someone who would self-identify as "involuntarily celibate".
OFC this doesn't close the loop in terms of stats or logic, but I'm not trying to put a full picture together. It's just some informal support for the fact that in the 21st century, some number of males are going to have real difficulty finding
any sexual partners. And that demonizing them, particularly using obvious lies, is not reasonable.
A prediction:
As we move forward in time, we'll see more and more articles calling for sympathy for the group of women I mentioned above, along with calls for special support for them.
Meanwhile the "incels" will continue to be maligned - not only won't they receive the mental health support and treatment they deserve, but they'll continue to have their mental health openly attacked by a fairly large part of society.
Given the ongoing population crunch, it's difficult to imagine a worse time for conflict between the sexes. But here we are, participating (in a very small way) in such a conflict.
But perhaps it's inevitable. After all, the underlying cause of both problems is the same /lol.