The psychiatrist had told me that she thought the diagnosis for me would be ADHD with autistic features but when the paperwork came back, it had ADHD and ASD both listed and she said that the ASD was probably level 1 but that she could not tell. I think ongoing emotional trauma makes it hard to tell exactly how autistic I am or not. As for the ADHD, she let me know within a few minutes of meeting me that she thought I might have ADHD. I think basically that I have enough autism that it effects how my ADHD presents. Many ADHD people I know are basically workaholics that shift from task to task. My ADHD mixes with autistic features that make me a bit wacky and extroverted in my presentation to others about my autistic special interests and the autism I think makes my hyperactive ADHD present more like an ADHD child that can not sit still and loves to jump, climb, ect.