Is this society still more male oriented? Yes, men are still in more powerful positions, but things are certainly not as bad as the fifties and sixties, as we have more women getting into
male dominated professions, like business and government, and with more women working now than ever before. We have far more women centered organizations than male, to help a little to make up for other disparities, which is great as well. Pay is becoming more equal, and women are being seen in better light than ever before, and with more opportunities, and less need to look or act a certain way. Yes, we need more laws to advance any minority, but laws to protect majorities that are pushed down, too.
And so yes, women still are not seen as equals, in many many ways, and there are double standards like whereby men are allowed to sleep around and it is often seen as cool, whereas women are seen in a worse light for doing that, and with more blaming of women in court for sexual abuses against them, and women may be harassed and seen as very weird for working in heavy labor jobs or certain sports, to name a few. There still are double standards against men though too, in the court system regarding custody where it is unfairly assumed the woman is more nurturing and less abusive. That is not always the case. Also, I see more focus on abuses against women than against men. I feel the quantity of abuses are equal against each gender. Society hides this and minimizes this, and men report it less.
I feel you were off the mark when you said men are allowed more freedom and understanding. Women these days can wear dresses, pants, have short hair, long, be allowed to be nice or mean, be strong or weak, have makeup or not, get a job or stay home, be in certain professional male dominated professions, and be lesbian and be looked at better in society than a man who stayed home, had long hair, wore dresses, was mean, weak, had makeup, exposed certain parts of themselves, and if they were in any women profession or were gay. Guys would be bashed for most of that, as it is seen as weakness, immoral or weird, whereas it would at minimum be tolerated for women for those things I said, if not seen as cool and more modern thinking.
This does not mean I think women have it easier in life, as I do not necessarily feel that is true, and as I would not want to be one as it can be tougher to excel because of sexism, but for other things I do think guys are worse off, and have less rights. But, I balance that with guys have perks, too. They often have less expenses to fit in, and can be more respected by doing less, and have often less fears. But, I do not think women have it harder, as like they have more victim support groups, can genetically express better to get support, and are allowed to express certain feelings and look different with less critique. As well, I feel many women are choosing to look and act certain feminine ways largely because of the way their mothers or media teaches this, not because men are forcing this. Women have a right to dress more formally, or rebel against any sexism by not flaunting or encouraging it. As well, some mothers do condition their sons with the 'boys will be boys' mentality, and 'Big boys don't cry.' And so, it is women that sometimes need to take some responsibility there too, just like if they abuse children and men, too. That shapes boys and mens' attitudes, and how they treat others too, just like father's can shape perceptions with what they do and do not do.
I think perversion in society is coming from both genders. Women are exposing more of themselves, and this seems to be taking a step backward, despite their advances. Men are wanting it more and doing more sexual abuses, though more women teachers are resorting to that abuse now. So, who knows what is hidden at home. Men are the advertised sexual abusers, and violent physical abusers, and that is horrible, and stereotyped as needy of sex, too, and seemingly wanting brains and heart less than beauty. I wish men and women would show more morality and maturity. Who is to say what caused what first though. I just know both are obsessed with certain things, and both are advancing to improper actions to get their needs fulfilled. I see the advancement of women as good, as men can start doing things they prefer or are better at instead. Maybe men will see women as more professional, stronger, or not as one dimensional then. And men maybe then can be seen as more nurturing, if their personality is better to take on more traditional women's roles.
As things are now, it would be hard to say men have more needs than women, and I feel women likely get just as many needs fulfilled then men. Neither gender should be seen as victims there, as again, I feel this society still at least slightly favors males. However, if some women are having a tougher time in society, perhaps they need to look within and demand less, or change their focus to think for themselves, instead of letting society define them. Men need to stick up for their rights and be stronger though too. I feel if each gender is starting to become more equal in terms of level of strength, opportunities and assertiveness, each gender should be allowed the approximate number of needs and desires fulfilled.
So, in general, although I realize men still get most of their power and confidence through physical strength and their careers, and through the beauty of their mate, most women seem to get their power through their sexuality, and through their support systems, communications and family. Things are becoming more equal though, and if anything, in some cases I see women's outrage too much at men, as sometimes as soon as a guy talks of men's issues, rights and abilities, or any critique at women, if justified, these women go way too far to squash that talk, and blame the man. That is not a good way to show strength, intelligence, fairness and compassion, sorry.
Certain men though need to get rid of their 'I am Tarzan, you Jane attitude. You do as I say.' That is not strength but weakness.
With equal women advancing themselves in education, and a very large percentage working outside of the home and marrying later in life, you would think less men would be bashed, but if anything, the reverse is true, as more women are wanting it all, even if this means taking the guys heart and soul. So, with all due respect, the answer is not short and sweet as you say. I had to resort to generalizing, too, to give an opposing side which I feel is fair.. They are our differing opinions based on our genetics and positive or negative experiences in life. I just know I have had tons of experiences, and I always try to look at both points of view.
For any men and women out there that treat the other side horribly, and cannot see the good in the opposing gender, I feel sorry for you. But, for any man or woman that fears speaking the real truth, as they fear backlash, I feel bad for those persons as well, as that shows weakness to me. Both men and women have great and not-so-pleasant qualities. Neither is better I feel. I would strongly argue against anyone who said that was not true. I wish we all could be seen as equal, without needing to push down the other, or be one step above the other. In my reply, I tried to show the good, neutral and not so good of both. As that is reality, not fiction.
I do agree that women are often taught to please, but men have to please women in ways, too, like they often have to be an emotionally and physically strong provider and protector. So, to suggest women then are not pleased in many ways is misleading. They get often that monetary security, and physical protection, and daily answers from a male perspective to resolve things, when resolvement is needed. Granted, many guys cannot give a women everything, like in terms of an emotional connection, but in life we cannot get everything from a spouse. That is where others jump in.
i give props though to Robotica for not fearing expressing openly her views about men. That shows women have come a lot farther than you think.