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I see a trend- NTs and non NTs

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This thread is not the place to dissect personality traits of individual members.

The topic of this thread is whether there is a preponderance of
female NTs asking about autistic/aspie males,
while male NTs asking about autistic/aspie females are not as frequent,
and if so, why?
Ok easy Tigers...this is beginning to blow up Into something it should not be ...
This is exactly how the communications break down and you end up in the Crap Hole!

The Nt's in these scenarios are purely visitors on this forum, guests if they are allowed to be, seeking guidance and assistance , never wishing to invade space where they are not welcome.. it most certainly is not the point to attack and point fingers, never should be.

It's just when you enter the relationship, as a vibrant, colourful , full of blooming, spectacular flowers, and systematically you feel, those lush, sweet, full of intoxicating scented petals have one by one been cut, trimmed, occasionally hacked back to nothing. Need to source the water supply to re-bloom and flourish..but together ,and reach that equilibrium that will nourish you both.

That is what all these types of relationships yearn for and believe me..the NT is the one that needs to locate it...lock it securely down and proceed forward.. if we need some help and assistance in doing so.. we will not sleep until we find it. Because you are all so so worth it. The love goes beyond any depth we have ever know..the hurt by some of the behaviour, is however, totally Visceral!
This thread is not the place to dissect personality traits of individual members.

The topic of this thread is whether there is a preponderance of
female NTs asking about autistic/aspie males,
while male NTs asking about autistic/aspie females are not as frequent,
and if so, why?
I agree...lets keep this on point. Just adding my opinion..just think women generally seek a solution, with help if they can.. as they do not compartmentalize.. their thoughts overlap.
I agree in part, but you have also made a gross generalisation here. Imdon think anyone spends all their time posting criticism and complaints of NTs.
Even if they did, what of it? This is the place to do it without fear of criticism.

Some of those who complained have also spent time replying to those kinds of threads. Sometimes,they get a bit tired of it.

I don't know which part of my comments you agree with but I qualified by my comments with the word
"seemingly" to offset implication of gross generalization.
Furthermore, if this is merely a place for autistics to criticize and complain of NTs, then equal treatment requires this to be a place for NTs to criticize and complain of autistics without fear of criticism as well. Whether we like it or not (and this is the crux of the problems inherent in NT/ND relationships), we are different, and each is equal to the other when it comes to complaints and criticisms.
Let's check and see whether this forum is a place for any of that.
General Rules & Guidelines

1. Insulting or personal attacks on other members is prohibited.
2. Do not attempt to "flame", "troll" or bait other members into arguments.

No, it is not.

The topic of this thread is whether there is a preponderance of
female NTs asking about autistic/aspie males,
while male NTs asking about autistic/aspie females are not as frequent,
and if so, why?

Thank you, Tree.
If this is such an important issue, can you please run a query to determine the ratio of NT females to ASD males who seek relationship advice here for NT/ND relationships, just so we all know whether our perceptions of frequency and status of posters are real or not?
Just love us..show us that megawatt smile occasionally..for real and not that false..forced ..fake grin...that we know that is exactly what it is ..kiss us..hug us..even though you hate it ...tell us we look nice.. when we do..and you feel.that..we know you do..by your eyes..but so somehow won't say it.. you catch your breath when you look at us..but can't quite pass the words from the ember of your being..because it leaves you vulnerable.. and you hate that.. coz it might hurt you.. we however will just relish that feeling you have given to us,return it tenfold..embalm ourselves in your true essence and feed off it...and give back to you...forever...For Christ's Sake.just..give us a chance to do so..xx
@Mary Terry
That sounds like a fun study.
Maybe you can find time to do that yourself. :)

I don't know how to do that on this website. I wish I did! My computer skills are not that good. If anyone knows (and wants) to do it, it would be good to include categories for both ND men and women, and NT men and women, who seek relationship advice here. I'm not sure what such information would tell us other than what types of people post on this website, but it would be fun and interesting.
Anyone who tries to understand what makes us tick is being very brave. Lets help if we can. Although meeting one person with autism is meeting one person with autism and we can't possibly know exactly what is happening inside their person with autism's mind.

With regards to love and marriage it has to be give and take- a two way relationship. Our NT partners have needs as well, like positive social signs from their nearest and dearest. Otherwise it will probably mess with their heads and cause them the same difficulties with anxiety and depression as we are all to used to experiencing.

This might not be instinctive for us, but it is important and worthy of our best efforts.
Back to the topic, as a female Aspie with a male partner who seems to be equal parts NT and ND:
Men don't seem to be so needy in shows of affection, and in my experience, they tend to ask for practical things. Most women have been tricked into believing there are armies of Prince Charming waiting for them, and have a hard time coming to grips with the reality that no, men aren't here to cater to their every whim.
I don't buy into the "Aspie male" stereotype with all its mentions of how mysterious they are supposed to be. I think there is an unhealthy romanticization of their standoffishness, as if the "emotionally unavailable" characteristic often encountered was a puzzle that needed to be solved at all costs, and I think it's a disservice to everyone involved: the Aspie males who are all put in the same bag, and the NT females who expect a one-size-fit-all solution straight from the textbook. It's really important to keep in mind the diversity of thought and reaction even among the neurodiverse crowd.

I'll put myself in the shoes of the ladies asking for advice here, and for the sake of the exercise, I'll take into account my longtime boyfriend's ND traits: have I ever felt that he was not showing love? Yes, when I considered that showing love was giving me items A through Z of a particular wishlist of "expected romantic behavior". And I thought he was being a total a**hole for refusing to give me those. And one day, I realized how much we were alike. I started looking at him through the same prism as myself, and that's when it occurred to me: he shows love in his own way, and that's all that matters. His shows are through the problem-solving, the bag of chips he brings me home when I need comfort junk food, the care he takes of my cat when I have a panic attack, leave in a hurry, and forget about the litter, in spite of gagging at the smell of cat dejections, in the cab he pays for when I have to be outside late and plan to just look tough outside on public transportation. Is it romantic? Not really. But it shows he cares & want to protect me (and possibly clog my arteries). I became much, much happier when I let go of the expectations of love that are ingrained in our brains since childhood, from fairy tales to movies to soap operas (I'm not saying you should strive for no more than potato chips, though). I found peace of mind when I stopped comparing my relationship to those of my coworkers who were NT+NT (and being the one person people somehow always come to for advice, I've come to learn that they aren't all that happy). When you're asking for help in any field from someone, you usually have to accept it's going to be on their terms because they are the ones doing a favor. It's the same when you're asking for displays of love: love will be displayed, and it may or may not be displayed as you hoped. But what matters the most? Love displayed in an unsettling but genuine way, or love displayed in a familiar, but totally artificial way?

To the NT ladies, maybe your Aspie male partner won't remember your birthday. Or send you roses. Or even let out a friendly groan to show he's listening. Maybe that partner won't double as your best friend, and you'll need to find a best friend for certain purposes (don't put all your eggs in one basket, anyway). Maybe --very likely-- he won't be able to change, or at least not in the proportions you need, and you will feel that you're doing all the effort. Relationships aren't about counting how much effort one does vs. how much effort the other does, it's not a competition. But he's probably there for you all in different ways; learn to focus on those. If it's an atypical relationship you're trying to nurture, should typical expectations and codes really apply?
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NT females who expect a one-size-fit-all solution straight from the textbook

Excellent post. Fair to consider the “textbook” as a Cinderella Storybook? I’ve yet to receive any textbook on how to be a better man, i’ve had to discover my own.
Excellent post. Fair to consider the “textbook” as a Cinderella Storybook? I’ve yet to receive any textbook on how to be a better man, i’ve had to discover my own.
Well, we have the step-sisters who severed their own toes so that the shoe could fit. But was the prince really a tall, dark and mysterious stranger with an unusual special interest (aside from his obvious foot fetish, that is)?
Whatever textbook you choose on how to be a better man, DO NOT follow in the footsteps of Rapunzel's prince: he ended up blinded by love, literally, I guess.

Fairy tales are messed up. I know they were started as cautionary tales by the brothers Grimm, and Germany has an interesting tradition in scary tales for children, but it's frightening to think of the extent to which they have shaped our culture, except the metaphorical aspect has somehow faded.

Meanwhile, chivalry is dead, so I'm getting my own horse and learning to ride it off into the darkness of the twisted Aspie mind ;)
A predicament I put myself in before I knew I may be aspie ended in tears.
The girl I was with loved me to start, we got together and settled too quickly.

*Moved in together* .. then I changed. I felt different. I didn't realise it was big changes hit me. I just thought I was a bit homesick. I couldn't talk it with her, as I didn't really know her well enough to confront her and talk it.

So stupidly I rode the ride... and got a mortgage!! Crazy I Know... but I thought everything will work out.

Fast forward, I'm not emotionally connected, I dithered, lacked engagement. Didn't do enough of the bedroom stuff. Totally lost.

My boss who was also a mate and my fishing buddy. Was getting to know her too well. She was pregnant with my child. And was messaging him.

One day I came home from work, and she was upset, and ended it. I had to leave the family house.(she had a son from previous) the car etc.. all my stuff and go live with mam.

So the next day I go to get picked up for work. My 'boss' 'mate' laid me off.

So like that* I lost everything. My job, house, family.

But really there is a happy ending here.

We manged to get along finally (after family court as she stopped contact)

My son is awesome, she got married to some lad who's a real nice guy. The boss lost his wife a d lives alone. And I have found the best woman in the world ever. We've been together 2.5 years. A record. With NO arguments.

And no... we're not 'not' arguing cause I'm being easy. Its cause we don't
she really gets me.. helps me. Wants me and puts up with my aspie stuff.

We're perfect for each other. And she's gorgeous. Too.

I got lucky. But they are out there.

She's NT, a professional. Clued up.
..but can't quite pass the words from the ember of your being..because it leaves you vulnerable..

Your post read like poetry and was quite beautiful, I also think the above may well be your first hurdle/consideration.
Only to say, as I understand it, the silence or lack of comment may not be coming from a place of vulnerability, it may also come from irrelevance.

It's neither here nor there how you may look or how much time and effort it took for you to feel beautiful.
Sometimes the point is that we need to wear clothes in polite society and you're dressed, and so is he.
Perhaps examine or imagine a pretty perfunctory, basic attitude towards daily tasks.

Perhaps he wears a particular shirt he looks really fanciable in. He maybe wearing that shirt because it's the most comfortable one he has (tailored just right, not itchy, correct type of material, feels unrestricted in that shirt) and not because he knows he looks good in it :)

If you were to just come right out and say "I really fancy you in that shirt" there's probably going to be a dual purpose for him now wearing that shirt and you might see him wearing the shirt more often :)
But It may never have been about attraction or desire originally. Just plain and simple comfort.
Basics, not poetry :)
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