I found the detailed replies to my post, not only insightful and eye opening, but gave me a deeper understanding of how HIS brain functioned, so I could then adapt mine, as knew it was always going to have to be mine that altered.
If my NT husband were to come here to ask the ASD women something in order to try to understand MY brain better, all he would come away with would be a false illusion as to how I am "really" working inside. At minimum, please just confirm with your significant other to see if it does match up to his experience. It's not that there aren't shared experiences, there really are - but there are also a lot of differences in experience.
There is a book I read that explained this really well (at least it's the perception that of that ASD author) - NTs tend to have a filter through which they view the world and people and social situations. They perceive people through those filters. It helps them make sense of things. By seeking data here about your ASD partner, you are in effect creating another filter to attempt to fit him through/understand him. Maybe NTs must do this, maybe it is the only way they can interact with their significant other. I feel like I have to zip on a human suit before I can interact with people, like a scuba diver among fish, so maybe the NT equivalent is the filter. Then again, let's take this example of generalizations: I'm sure there are NTs who wouldn't relate to the filter idea, and I'm sure their are ASD folks who may not relate to the scuba-diving among fish idea. So the trends are useful in understanding populations, but when trying to understand a specific individual, that data may not prove accurate or useful.. Yes, I think maybe it is my anal sensibilities about data and specificity that make it hard for me to ignore that possibility for inaccuracy.
Btw, the people I really get annoyed about are the ones asking about their ex-boyfriends who don't have a diagnosis - they are just grasping at straws. I think people who are in actual present-day relationships with people who are actually on the spectrum (whether officially diagnosed or self-diagnosed) can actually get useful info here.

I do think there are different kinds of things to seek out, too. Like, if you are trying to understand sensory overload, basic stuff like that - yes, you can see helpful replies, and see if anything seems to match up with what you observe in your significant other. There are a bunch of books I've read and videos I've watched by others with ASD that helped me understand myself - but I myself was there to confirm it, of course. My husband wouldn't have had as much luck figuring out what applied and what didn't - he would have had to ask me.
BUT.....the whole "my boyfriend left me and I don't know why? What should I do? How can I win him back?" is what really annoys me, because we aren't some kind of bank vault with some specific code to unlock - that situation is very individual, and may have nothing to do with his ASD (if he even has it). It's not like "do this and this and that, and win back your Aspie lover!". It's just so wrong-headed to begin with. You can't even do that with your pets, even animals are more individual than that. I have at least as much personality and individuality as my pets

That is what is being ignored by those posts...