You sound just like what you hate.
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... ”
—Friedrich Nietzsche.
Perhaps I shall have to re-scan my Zarathustra, but: didn’t dear departed Friedrich decide that men were a greater monstrosity than Gods & women combined? And that no-one more than males suffered with ressentiment? As anyone knows he does express distinctly Neolithic chauvinism in Beyond Goods & Evil, however in other texts he lauds women for their perceived moral and spiritual superiority.
So, since you so badly want to talk about the old dead Saxon, which calcified notion of his are you taking as gospel? Just curious.
No offence, but this thread is about "Romantic Relationships."
It seems to have gotten off topic.
I hope we can get it back on track.
Again untrue. It didn’t get off the topic entirely, it merely deviated into a related tangential debate (not to me, I didn’t feel strenuously challenged). I do agree it was unpleasant business.
I’ve noticed a really interesting phenomenon on this board; that whenever a woman or girl expresses a strong uncomfortable relevant opinion, or something of which the male posters don’t approve, conversation is either quickly
shut down, minimised with unwarranted condescension (within the span of a few posts I’ve had my intelligence called into question, go back and look), or swiftly moved along and steered past what she says. Definitely an agenda at play.
And guess who’s going to do nothing about it, per usual
No Masters, ladies, remember that above all else.