Tony, you say that you are looking for a platonic (meaning non-sexual) relationship, but your angry rants seem to contradict that.No am I am never going to it was a damn complete waste of my time. I am tired of hearing BS stories about peoples damn lives there going there wasting my time all the old farts there in the morning traveling. The damn teachers going on about there husbands and boyfriends and travels. The few young snob women who most of the time were different women of the week ignoring my ass causing more PTSD. I am done, done.
I am actually going back to the gym were most wear headphones ignore everyone and dont BS about everyone else job, travel and damn relationship to my face. Another thing how many damn times do I have to unfollow this thread before it sticks.
The key to yoga (or church, or any other activity) is to do it as its own reward, not as a way to obtain whatever it is that you are truly looking for.
If you are a big, socially-awkward man radiating need and hunger, you will be scary to many women (who have to be very careful to protect themselves from predators).
You must find peace without a partner in order to be the kind of person who will be a good partner. As paradoxical as that may sound.