The OP of this thread frequented this site for less than a month.
I wonder how things are going for them now.
The title premise has always seemed odd, to me.
Asking people to be honest with themselves.
That looks to me to presume that people aren't
generally honest in their thoughts.
Many people, initially, are pressured into toeing the community norm, at least publicly.
Social "extortion" can be very intimidating, since it could result in social excommunication.
When felt without adequate personal insight, this inherent emotional blackmail can push some people into a dissociative mindset, causing the individual affected to adopt a faux personality in line with social expectations, beyond their conscious awareness.
In essence, they have been "Puppeted" into submission.
This is a key factor in psychological ritual abuse.
I.E. The destruction of the core identity of the individual.
There is a process of self-emancipation, but as you can imagine, those in a dissociated state of mind find navigating themselves out of this maze of confusion difficult, involving a lengthy and torturous procedure.
I am speaking from personal experience, here.