No joke. Every woman says that ONLINE. But offline it's a different story. Most women are attracted to the top alpha males. That's why so MANY Aspie males are LONELY.

You are not my boss, you cannot tell me what to write & I have many more decades experience than you do per dating. Yes I have done IN DEPTH studies & written for dating websites for as long as half your age. HAVE YOU???????? What is the depth of your online dating studies?
Per the rules here YOU do not control me or tell me what to write. I was a CIVIL RIGHTS leader protecting Blacks, women and gays before you were born. You are incorrect, I have corresponded with and seen answers from 100,000s of women. THAT'S A VERY LARGE SAMPLE.
How many years have you studied online dating and the dating psychology between women and men? From thread to thread you harass, insult & try to tell me what to write! Leave me alone. Stop writing to me.
Stop trying to censure me. I don't censure you.
While I obviously can't speak for every woman on the planet, I have always, always been far more attracted to intellectuals (though it's certainly not a deal-breaker if people aren't; I'll take an average person with a decent heart over a genius who is cruel any day of the week). And I don't think it does anyone any good to make sweeping generalizations about either sex.
Wait just a minute. Have you done any in-depth studies of the success rates of "sensitive" and "outgoing" men on these sites? I don't know how many amateur articles you wrote, but you're looking at a very, very small sample size in a world of over seven billion people. If you've had bad experiences yourself, I can understand, but please don't extend them to women and men at large.
You could be right Christy. Not sure but a good thought. Excellent insight on certain websites that might attract women who are not attracting intelligent males. YES! I need to change the method in which I meet women. It's not working.
I wonder if the dating world is much more harsh/difficult for male aspies than for female aspies?
After all, women look beautiful and naturally attract males the way moths are attacted to candles?
Maybe Sparticus, the issue is not that all "normal" women are the same... maybe the issue is that the type of woman you naturally are attracted to all are like this. Or maybe those websites attract women who are not looking for intellegent males.Just a suggestion, instead of trying to change yourself, try changing the method by which you meet women. I'm late to the conversation though, perhaps that ground has been covered.
Thank you Soup.

I try to make a funny once in awhile

Cool. Kia was a head case. My bad for trying to help her. Yes! You are right; very smart & brilliant analysis! Wow that’s deep…about women looking for a Knight in Shining Armor. Yes she was in pain when I met her.
Mary-I worked with both her and Diane. I have no sexual interest in Mary & to my knowledge she has none in me. But I feel ya Soup. Mary did tell me Diane just got out of a bad relationship. Mary has many health issues, has been in and out of the hospital and never called me back.
It’s not my fault [sniff, sniff :{ ] women give me their phone numbers but don’t answer the phone! I live in an Urban transitory area. If I see a woman, I
might not see her again till a year later or never again. People MOVE around a lot in my area. If men do not approach women, then we stay lonely. But I understand your advice. Maybe I can find a social group where I can get to know a woman before I ask for her phone number. Which so far-finding a compatible social group, has been impossible for me.
Since the 1980s I have offered hundreds of women my phone #. Only 1 or 2 called me. So for me it’s a waste of time .
Thank you Soup for your kind consideration in answering this! So strange how opposite women and men view the flirting & dating game
You have the best advice on this website!
Those were insightful posts, Sparticus & mildly amusing at times. I think I see a ...pattern of With Kia, YOU did not do anything wrong BUT you came within a hair's breadth of possibly getting yourself into a world of trouble. Damsels in distress (not ALL, but more often than not) are people who mismanage their lives. They are often looking for a knight in shining armour to 'rescue' them. these women are often the kind who spiral from one crisis to another & one day, you come up for air & realize you've emptied your wallet & rearranged your life to accommodate & assist her. She may be very grateful or the sort who later act entitled to rescue since, after all, in her distorted mind, that is what 'real men' do. AVOID getting caught in a relationship with someone who needs to e rescued in any way. Fortunately, this one seems to have just wanted to chat & unburden herself on a stranger.
As for Mary, you really wanted Diane. Maybe Mary, being a reasonably smart & older woman sensed that she was more of a stand-in. As soon as the opportunity to get to date Diane came around, you would likely have cooled down to Mary.
Here's the pattern I'm seeing: In EVERY case, you ask the woman for HER number. Many women get creeped-out by guys who do this. It is a bit of a coming on too strong thing. Next time, have more than one or two nice friendly conversations with the woman &, when she gets to see that you are just a nice, simple, decent guy (not out to start calling her repeatedly or chain her up in your dungeon..) YOU OFFER HER YOU NUMBER. Many women prefer that because she has some control in the situation. With a new guy, that sense of being able to choose (without fear he may be a stalker) can be important. If SHE thinks it over & decides to give YOU a call to chat for a while, you know she is thinking of you in a positive way & is willing to get to know you better.
At this early stage, DO NOT drag out any flirtation strategies. It is too soon to put moves on someone you do not even know as a person yet. Just be a friend first & put the fact that you are really attracted to her in the back of your mind in the beginning. Be a friend first & get to know each other. You may be glad you took it slowly: she may turn out to be incompatible with you in some very fundamental ways (you know...she's a furrier & you are an animal rights activist. She is antisemitic & you are Jewish...) These are not things you can tell about a person before you get to know them. Better be sure you share compatible (not necessarily identical) values.
Last night at a food store, I saw a beeeeeuuuuuttiiiifffuuull dark olive skinned woman. She looked Indian but I find out later she was Domenican. We started talking and even though it was 8pm and I wanted to go home, I was intrigued. We spent 15 minutes flirting with each other. Suddenly 2 younger Filipino women showed up & hugged her. I'm praying "go away I want to ask for her phone number!"
They left pretty quick and just as I was about to ask this pretty woman for her phone number when another friend, a former neighbor of hers, showed up. Holy speckled eggs! This former neighbor lady started spilling on the most gory subjects-how former neighbors suffered in cancer before they died etc. I mean it was nonstop blood & GORE!@ I looked at my watch-20 minutes since I first started flirting & counting. Should I leave or wait for this negative person to leave and get her phone number?
Then the neighbor who showed up farted! Yes I kid you not. She farted out a heavy peanut butter cloud. So there we were, standing around in this fart cloud for 5 minutes. Suddenly the neighbor with all the gory horror “our former neighbors are all dead” gossip woman left! Yippee!
I did get the Dominican’s woman’s phone number but I’m not going to call her. I could tell we were total opposites. Ok at least I tried…and survived!