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Is this a "me" thing, or an ASD thing?

Oh yah Ravendragonwing (by the way I still love your username its soo freaking awesome). But I feel that way too. Like my co-workers do that and I just makes me upset like just tell me you know? I would rather someone tell me I was doing something than not say anything and talk about it with other people in front of me.
That has happened to me, and it is demoralizing. I don't know that there is much that you can do, except hold your head high and work to the best of your abilities.
Sounds like you guys have unfortunately encountered some extremely rude & mean spirited people! All that back-stabbing, gossiping, criticizing & singling someone out for ridicule. I don't know how you can stand it & cope with it!
I think this has probably been mentioned before but I'm ill so bringing it up again...

Thinking the worst possible scenarios for everything. So I have been ill for a few days now and I've been looking up salmonella because we have snakes and well maybe I wasn't careful enough with the sanitisation gel....I have a crippling headache, my eyes hurt whenever I move them some of my joints ache, I have a constant feeling of needing to puke...maybe it's something serious and then my mind keeps going until I have everything planned out in terms of a terminal illness, what I want done with my things etc. At approximately 4am this morning I was imaging telling my parents I was dying, I had everything planned right down to recording myself everyday with 'life lessons' for my little girl(so stuff for when she was older like about sex, periods etc etc).

Or when my husband is late back from aikido I will go from him just being held up talking, to being in a crash and so on until I have his funeral carefully planned out, exactly what I will tell our daughter etc etc. Even every day little things like when my daughter is playing in her bedroom alone(rarely happens) and she's making lots of noise and then goes quiet, I give it a minute or two but then I have to check on her incase she's fallen off her bed and broken her neck, or her wardrobe has randomly collapsed on top of her (that's normally when there is alot of banging and THEN she goes quiet).

This happens all the time it even extends to internet stuff, for example when someone doesn't post on here for a number of days I wonder if they are okay, did something happen to them. Are they just busy or are they not on here because they are hurt (either physically or emotionally).

I think maybe I just worry too much :bounce:
I do that too sometimes, mostly with people dying. I used to be a hypochondriac but I started taking an inventory of what I was eating or doing that might make me feel bad, and can manage to talk myself down from thinking I have something really wrong. However when I can't get ahold of someone I usually can, I start to worry. Like one time my dad's girlfriend couldn't reach him, all evidence showed him at home but she couldn't get in so I had to bring a key over. I was worried he'd had a stroke or something but it turned out he was watching a movie with the volume up and didn't hear the phone or doorbell, haha. But in the five minute drive from my apartment to his house I'd mentally prepared for calling the paramedics, taking time from work, preparing a funeral, telling my mom, dealing with insurance and estate nonsense.
Sounds like you guys have unfortunately encountered some extremely rude & mean spirited people! All that back-stabbing, gossiping, criticizing & singling someone out for ridicule. I don't know how you can stand it & cope with it!

It is so hard most days. But usually I am obilvious to it....turns out this time I was just paranoid.
Oh no you aren't alone Kelly. I am the same way. I get all worked up when people are late or didn't call when they were supposed to or whatever. Like my mom has diabetes so I start to freak out when my mom is late to come get me from work because she is usually at least 10minutes early so that I don't panic when I don't see her. I too start to think of the worst possible things. But I think that too comes from what happened to my friend. If I can't get a hold of people I will keep calling them until someone picks up.
I don't have the emotional depth to be a true worrier. I may get concerned that something has gone wrong, but soon logic kicks in & if I can't prove something has or hasn't happened, I take a wait & see approach.
I get so angry when I go to the store, pay for my items, and when I get home either A. I was overcharged or B. they forgot to place all my stuff in my bag. And when I call them, they expect me to come back to the store to retrieve it...REALLY?!?!?!?!? It was their mistake!!!
I am already stressed out from having to drive to the store, find parking, navigate the store, and pay for my purchases. And then to find a mistake that they made? And now I have to repeat all this PLUS wait in line to get my item/cash back/refund?????? And that is if anyone there has any idea what I am talking about.
I hate stores.
I can fully understand the overcharging. But luckily I keep track of what's in my cart when I put it in and can guestimate quite good at the checkout. I do get slightly "stressed out" when I see weird errors on the screen of the check out. But for totally different reasons. The crowds and noises at the checkout drive me nuts so I always have music on... so I kinda have to get out of my comfortzone and inquire about the error.

The bagging thing... if it would happen I'd be irate as well, but I usually keep track of it as well, since I remember what I bought and watch if they put everything in the bag.

I personally don't know if it's an ASD thing... it's a general annoyance everyone can relate to I think. Just the entire being stressed out by going to the store... those issues I feel might be spectrum related though. I have that as well... to some extent.
I wish I could keep track of my cart, but I am usually too distracted and stressed to do so. I only say stressed for lack of a better word.
I think King_Oni is right about this being a general spectrum thing. So many of us find going to the store to be a very stressful event. I survive by planning everything out as best I can. This way, I control all of variables that it is possible for me to control. If you're a person who drives or if the store is close, making 2 short trips during off hours is often easier than making 1 marathon trip: the longer you're in there the greater the odds of something strange happening.

I think this is an Aspie thing: typically, the more familiar NT people are to each other (or the longer they're sitting together & talking) the more eye contact increases & becomes prolonged. When I'm forced to sit & talk with someone, the longer they're there, the less eye contact I make. Like many Aspies, I often do the sideways looking at people glance. After a while, that becomes not looking at them at all. After all, once I've seen what you look like & have a good idea of where you are, why should I have to keep looking?

Soup The Aspie Warning: If you are a female Aspie & you do this with certain NT guys, in NT culture it gets misconstrued as flirtation regardless of how blank the rest of your face remains.
But I actually like to shop, just hate other people. Especially rude, selfish ones. The one place I hate to go is WalMart. OMG, the people who work there could care less, the people who shop there? I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.
And you are 100% correct about the warning, but I would like add that being comfortable around a guy is paramount to getting the "I want to be with you" talk *ew*
Why can't we just be friends?
I do it all the time- I am the joke teller and the audience-sometimes I get no response other times the audience are litterally killing themselves laughing- I have isolated for long periods of time- it may be weird but who gives a S$$T
I do it all the time- I am the joke teller and the audience-sometimes I get no response other times the audience are litterally killing themselves laughing- I have isolated for long periods of time- it may be weird but who gives a S$$T

This post was in response to talking to oneself-
Thanks for clarifying that, Rolo! I had no clue what you were talking about for a minute there.

When you live alone, talking to oneself is much more practicable. Once others are lurking about, there's always someone there to think it's blabbering time & they want to jump in.

I think this is an Aspie thing too: When I'm thinking or preoccupied, I take a strand of my hair from behind my ear (NOT on the back of the ear: Soup the Aspie does NOT have hairy ears....just wanted to make that clear...) & twirl it. I've twirled that strand so often that it becomes a ringlet very easily. If I'm not careful, I wind up with shoulder length straight brown hair + 1 weird looking odd ringlet.
Does anyone else like to Kick over mushrooms? I mean I have this lovely obsession that my mom even leaves them in the yard for me so that I can kick them over. Its even gone so far as I have gone to the next door neighbors yard and kicked over their mushrooms...heh in fact one time I got caught kicking over the mushrooms (now a thirty year old child like blonde girl kicking over mushrooms in your yard yah picture that). They didn't care in fact the son who lives there just laughed and shook his head and told me it was fine to come into their yard to kick mushrooms but I haven't done so since...but I sooo want to it gets so I will sit and stare at their mushrooms just thinking about how much I want to kick the mushroom over. I've done that since I was kid. But anyone else do strange things like that?
I apologize for asking this but...

Is it just me, but is it the "typical" for one with Asperger's to be "strong", "brave", and "stable" during the death of a love one?

I am not trying to troll or pick at people. I just believe I am not grieving right. :(

I really loved this relative that died and was close, but I am the "brave" one during this time. :cry:

I can relate entirely. Our dog was euthanized this week, and everyone in my family is upset. I loved our dog and enjoyed his company, but I can't cry or show emotion at it.
Does anyone else like to Kick over mushrooms? I mean I have this lovely obsession that my mom even leaves them in the yard for me so that I can kick them over. Its even gone so far as I have gone to the next door neighbors yard and kicked over their mushrooms...heh in fact one time I got caught kicking over the mushrooms (now a thirty year old child like blonde girl kicking over mushrooms in your yard yah picture that). They didn't care in fact the son who lives there just laughed and shook his head and told me it was fine to come into their yard to kick mushrooms but I haven't done so since...but I sooo want to it gets so I will sit and stare at their mushrooms just thinking about how much I want to kick the mushroom over. I've done that since I was kid. But anyone else do strange things like that?

Arashi the Mushroom-Kicker. Great one!

As for me, one of the many things I always do is when I get a cup of soda from a fast-food restaurant, I always have to push down those little tabs that say what soda you have. ALL the tabs. It just feels great!

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