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Is this a "me" thing, or an ASD thing?

Pen clicking sounds like a stim. Many people have that one but don't seem to realize that they're doing it. Some also tap their teeth with the eraser end of a pencil when they're concentrating.

This may be an Aspie thing: I don't like to listen to music around other people when they can hear what music I'm listening to. In other words, I have to have headphones that prevent sound leakage & my computer open to a different page so what I'm listening to is both invisible & inaudible to others. Not that I care whether they like my taste in music or not, I just hate the way people take it as an invitation to strike up a freakin' conversation: "SO, I HEAR YOU LIKE LED ZEPPELIN, EH?" "Uhhh...What did you say? I'm listening to music." "YOU'RE A LED ZEP FAN TOO!" "Uhhh...YES! I only listen to music I like." Then, no matter what I say, the person keeps chatting so I end up not quite hearing either my music or their chattering.
When is a stim not a stim? hmm-I think stims vary greatly-if an action is made repeatedly and often to block out other sensory input/overload and to relieve anxiety then it could be classed as a stim I suppose-I do not believe there is a definitive answer-however, I have observed neurotypicals engaged in finger tapping thumb twiddling etc.
All I know is that you are the second person to mention carabiners and I now have carabiner envy!:)
I hope you are having a wonderful vacation Bay
Funny: I'm still thinking about Geordie's markers he bought for his father. I wonder how he used them & whether he liked the results.

When IS a stim not a stim & since stimming is virtually universal in some form or another, maybe its a good thing to do: gives our brains & our central nervous system a break. For me, it sure beats repressing the urge to stim & then winding up having to take anti-anxiety meds. Here in QC, we have the highest rate of such prescriptions (Ativan is the biggie) in all Canada & by a long shot too. Nobody can figure out why. People are strung out & stressed out. We're an extremely social society with one festival after another. Summer has literally become the festival season & now winter is becoming a time where the city has a packed social calendar. Add to that the economy, kids, the constant traffic due to road work & detours & it really isn't that hard to see how people have gone on overload.
Rolo, I am not on vacation. Wish that I were! I am taking a month's worth of professional development courses, which I hope will lead to employment in the near future. Sorry to go off topic there for a moment.

As to stims, I play with my earrings endlessly, which I regard as a stim. In fact, if I leave the house without putting earrings on, I feel panicky.
sorry Bay don't know where I got that from-didn't realize going off topic and inquiring after a members welfare was a forum faux pas ooops!!:S
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I don't know if it's a faux pas, rolo. And I'm delighted to have you inquire about me. When I first joined this site not a single person greeted me or said hello. I think that I must come across as awkwardly in text as I do in real life, not sure, so I am very happy to make friends here.
Bay, here is your belated greeting:
Welcome to aspiescentral.com, have a look around the place, ask questions and answer thread were a great bunch here, hope you enjoy your stay ; ]

Back on topic, that must be a me thing, I read a thread and mean to post in it but while reading other threads I forget about the one I was going to post to.

(that may be why I didn't say hello to Bay the first time hehehe)
I don't know if it's a faux pas, rolo. And I'm delighted to have you inquire about me. When I first joined this site not a single person greeted me or said hello. I think that I must come across as awkwardly in text as I do in real life, not sure, so I am very happy to make friends here.
Hi bay-I tend to read into stuff as i notice details-also people can be extremely pedantic- we tend to misread people out there and its not easy on a forum for me as i do not know what peoples intentions are-I am glad you are here and that people want to know you-

special thanks to Gomendosi for teaching me forum etiquette and for making me laugh with his crazy chicken!!
Does anyone find themselves uncomfortable using certain synonyms or cliche phrases?

For example, I can't use the word belly, i always have to say stomach. Certain euphemisms like "tighty whities" or some cliche like that also rubs me the wrong way (i told a girl at work i hated that phrase and she decided she would torture me by saying it 100 times). My only friend in the world when people tell him about something thats going wrong, he always says, "that's no fun" and it bugs the hell out of me. There are so many more, does anyone else get that problem?
Does anyone find themselves uncomfortable using certain synonyms or cliche phrases?

For example, I can't use the word belly, i always have to say stomach. Certain euphemisms like "tighty whities" or some cliche like that also rubs me the wrong way (i told a girl at work i hated that phrase and she decided she would torture me by saying it 100 times). My only friend in the world when people tell him about something thats going wrong, he always says, "that's no fun" and it bugs the hell out of me. There are so many more, does anyone else get that problem?

I don't know if it's really "uncomfortable" but I just don't like certain synonyms and will try to not use them. And similarly I dislike it if people use those phrases a lot. It just gets on my nerves a bit if people use them, as for myself, I have control of my vocabulary, so I can choose not to use certain words... which I will if I need to.
Does anyone find themselves uncomfortable using certain synonyms or cliche phrases?

For example, I can't use the word belly, i always have to say stomach. Certain euphemisms like "tighty whities" or some cliche like that also rubs me the wrong way (i told a girl at work i hated that phrase and she decided she would torture me by saying it 100 times). My only friend in the world when people tell him about something thats going wrong, he always says, "that's no fun" and it bugs the hell out of me. There are so many more, does anyone else get that problem?

I have a problem with belly too, actually. While we're on body parts- knuckles, armpit, and panties all drive me up the wall.
I get really annoyed when people say, "I FEEL you." or "Do you FEEL me?" My knee-jerk Aspie response is to blurt something about not wanting to feel anyone else or be felt. If we all keep our various parts & attachments to ourselves, things will go much more smoothly.- Or no; you look like you'd feel rough & bumpy & I don't like that.

I also don't like it when people say, "I was, like, WHATEVER!" (what the hell does that even mean? What language IS that? FOR ENGLISH PRESS ONE!)
I'm assuming most of us Aspies could count their number of friends on one hand. Does anyone end up feeling a little possessive of said friend, when you see or hear about them doing something without you, you feel kind of left out. I usually have to tell myself, "hey, listen, you're not his only friend you can't expect him to have his world revolve around you." This flares up for me when i'm with my friend and he starts texting, it almost makes me feel i'm not being entertaining enough.

Also, does it take a lot for you to call someone a "friend"? I have only one person i can honestly call a friend, and at least one other person who can call me a friend but i cant do the same for her, it's almost like the feeling when people say "love". They place a strong meaning on the word, i place the same meaning on "friend".
I don't know if it's a faux pas, rolo. And I'm delighted to have you inquire about me. When I first joined this site not a single person greeted me or said hello. I think that I must come across as awkwardly in text as I do in real life, not sure, so I am very happy to make friends here.

Bay, you were the first to greet me when I joined the forum, and it made me feel great. Thanks. I also take it personally when people don't respond to me, like returning phone calls or e-mails.
Anyone else get the feeling that you committed a faux pas socially, but no one is willing to tell you, and instead they whisper and look at you askew?
I may be just paranoid or it may be true....how am I to know?

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