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Is this a "me" thing, or an ASD thing?

I do that quite often.

I usually expect the worst, so it can only get better from there.

And if it's going really well, I'm inclined to at least mentally prepare for the worst already.

That's exactly what I do.

As for the funeral /death thing I don't tend to get upset or anything, it's just one of those things that happens, funerals are very awkward though.

I've not experienced much death in my life, my great grandmother when I was about 9 but I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral incase I got upset. Even as a child that seemed ridiculous, I couldn't understand why they would think I'd get upset? I had no real connection with her(I'd only seen her a handful of times because we lived so far apart) so her death really didn't affect me other then being curious.

When my husband's grandmother died 5 years ago it didn't affect me either, we'd been visiting her every day for 2 years but again there was no connection for me, I didn't love her at all so didn't cry or get upset when she died. I actually thought it was a good thing because she wanted to die, she had a miserable life and missed her husband terribly(he'd died a few years before). She used to say alot that she wanted to die, so when she did my first thought was well at least she doesn't have to live a crappy existence anymore. Then I worried about having to console my husband in some way but he was pretty much the same as me and wasn't upset, just glad that she died sooner rather then later because of how much she hated living.

My own grandmother died just over a year ago, she had cancer which slowly killed her over a few months but because we live so far away and at the time my husband couldn't drive because he'd broken his collar bone so we only saw her once 6 weeks before she died. My mother did call and tell me it was a matter of days before she died but again I was stuck because my husband was due to have surgery the following week and I really didn't want to leave him. I toyed with going up on the train but in the end my mum told me not to because my grandmother looked so awful and wasn't aware of much which would only upset me (I hate it when people assume something will upset me). I was fine with that but then I thought maybe I should say goodbye in some way for her sake. So I wrote her a letter telling her how great she was and some of the lovely memories I had of our time together and my mum read it out to her before I rang and she said it was the best letter she'd ever had and I always was her favourite grandchild and then she starting rambling about something weird(the docs think she had the early signs of dementia too).

So she died, the funeral was arranged and it was 3 days after my husband had just had surgery and he was still really weak and needed looking after so I decided to go up for the funeral and come straight back again (6 hour trip in total). It was so awkward, everyone being overly nice to each other even the family members who hated each other. Random people coming up to me and hugging me asking if I was okay, I kept stepping away almost pushing them saying "I'm fine" and I kept getting that BS of "oh your being so brave". Truth is I wasn't upset, she was in a great deal of pain and it was over, I think I cried a couple of times before I went up for the funeral but that was more the shock of it I think. I don't see the point in dwelling on someone's death when you can think of all the happy times you had with them.

My dad kept pressuring me into comforting my mum, she was crying basically all day and he kept elbowing me and saying go and give her a hug, cue a horrified expression by me and some lame excuse about in a minute and I was just going to go look at the body one more time etc. That's one vivid memory I have, the body was some bizarre green colour, my husband's grandmother's body looked exactly the same as she always did she was just like a block of ice to the touch. It was weird how my grandmother looked greeny grey and for about an hour I was focused on that trying to figure out what caused it, was it poor care of the body, the fact my aunt would not peel herself off her body after she died(it took them 2 hours to get her to let go), did they botch the embalming or something, it was fascinating and I wanted to poke her skin to see if it felt the same but so many people were crying and stroking her hair and stuff that I thought I better not.

Then the actual funeral service was strange because it was in a little church that I used to go to as a child with my primary(elementary) school so that brought back flashes of harvest festivals and cans stacked in a big pyramid like a supermarket, awful music played on a cheap keyboard, the really visually disgusting combination of mustard floor with brown curtains and wood effect walls,it even smelt the same, it was like stepping back into my childhood. Then there was the music playing, as we walked in behind the coffin they were playing "You are not alone" by Michael Jackson and I had to stifle a laugh as I thought about how funny it would be if they played "Bad" or "Thriller" and then my mind went through the whole thriller video and imagined my grandmother getting out of the coffin and dancing. By the time I snapped back into reality they were just starting to sing songs and I was still sat down when everyone was standing, I grabbed the little leaflet they made and mentally shouted "WTF?" apparently they were my grandmother's favourite hymns...first I heard because she was not religious at all, I think she had a church service just because that was the done thing. Then I had a really hard time because 40 people who can't sing, singing a really awful hymn....I thought my ears were going to bleed it hurt so much. Afterwards they were all going to the pub and I said I had to go to get back(truth is I was wiped out and on the verge of overload). My uncle really angered me because he asked why my husband hadn't come and was he just sat at home (the tone implied that he just couldn't be bothered) so I snapped and said "Oh sorry he couldn't make it but you know he's just got out of hospital and can barely move he's in so much pain but thanks for asking how he is!" and then I mumbled alot of obscene language under my breath as I walked off.

The only death that has ever affected me is my childhood dog dying, I got her when I was 13 and she died in November(I had to leave her behind with my mum when I moved). Again I was completely fine because she had been ill for a few weeks and I thought it was good she was out of her misery. When my mum called me up crying because she didn't know what to do her legs had collapsed and she was being sick and she couldn't afford a vet. So I told her I'd pay, whatever treatment she needed just get it done and I'd pay.

So I waited and waited and about 3 hours later she calls me up hysterically crying she couldn't even speak and next thing I know the receptionist at the vet's takes the phone and tells me that they had to put the dog down and the bill was ?79.50, my first reaction was to ask why it cost so much but then I was able to put a lid on that as I knew that wasn't acceptable to ask right now so I just paid using my card over the phone and asked the woman to tell my mother to call me when she was calmer. Next day when she was calmer she explained what happened, the vet had felt the dog's stomache and there was a lump in there, the vet explained they'd need to run tests, take some blood etc etc but with her being so old and ill they didn't think there would be much in the way of treatment, so she had opted for putting her to sleep.

After I finished talking to her I became so angry that she'd had her put to sleep, hadn't even tried treatment first, I'd specifically told her whatever needed to be done do it and I'd pay, she'd just had it done without even asking me. Then it got worse next time I spoke to her she told me that she couldn't even be in the room when they did it so she said goodbye and left her and they came out and told her when she was gone, I had to put the phone down I was so angry. It wasn't until the next morning when I was in the shower that I started crying and I was filled with rage and guilt and I ended up cutting myself because I couldn't handle it all. I was so angry that she'd just left her, my poor dog's last memory would have been one of abandonment and fear, she would have been so terrified as she hated the vets and to be left....I don't think I'll ever forgive my mother for that, the least she could have done is comforted her in those last few minutes.

Animal deaths definitely affect me more then human deaths, I can't stand to see / hear about animals suffering.
Is it a trait of our sort to analyze the very atoms of a new friendship to see if you are getting played for a fool again?
I find that everything any potential new friend does is something of which I am skeptical and I will try to work out if it is calculated to put them in a position to gain from me in some way.
As you must realize this is exhausting and a very destructive behavior but I am so sick to death of being taken advantage of, I tend not to lie, am free with money and gifts and will, it seems, go to any lengths to prove I am worthy of friendship and of course this leaves me open to being used and abused by even people with the best of intentions!

Is anybody else this weary or terrified of simple friendship?
Oh absoluteley Gomendosi, like yourself I'm far too honest and I'm very generous and that has led to me being used by every single person I ever thought was a friend.

Examples - my last real life (supposed) friend (since school 12 years ago) seemed friendly at first but constantly moaned about wanting to move back to the town she'd just moved from, that all her 'real' friends were there and she missed them. I was always helping her out in some way giving her advice, we'd give her rides to places stuff like that..you know friendly stuff but it never happened the other way around. Our kids birthdays were only a few weeks apart and as they never sent their boy to a playgroup or anything he had no friends except for my daughter so I said we could have a joint celebration so he could have a big party. 42 kids, a bouncy castle, face painter, balloon modeller, party bags, cookie bags, decorations and mountains of food, it came to about ?500 in total, how much did they contribute? ?50 and she constantly complained about the plans and I had to keep changing things to suit her. After that things really went downhill, daytrips we had planned to go on together were postponed and then I find out she went without us, she hardly responded to my messages only if she wanted to complain about her boyfriend or her other friends. Her supposed best friend from that other town treated her like dirt and yet she worshipped her, I treated her nicely did everything I could to make her happy and she treated me like dirt, I still can't understand that.

On her birthday I would go out of my way to get things she would adore, on my birthday I got nothing a few weeks later I'd get some half ass excuse and a cheap gift. I think the most insulting thing was after she'd moved back to the other town (which she didn't tell me about until a couple of weeks before they left) I kept things going, again her birthday came around I found a limited edition type of bear she collects. Mine was a few months later, as expected nothing she didn't even mention my birthday, only when some other people left me birthday messages on facebook did she say my present was on it's way but she'd ordered it from abroad so it may be delayed and asked if I got my card. I knew she hadn't sent me one but a few days later one turned up, postdated a day after my birthday and yet she continued to lie and say she'd sent it ages ago. I decided to end the friendship when my gift arrived, I was so excited because she said I'd love it and she'd searched all over for something special. So I thought she'd actually got something I'd like...it was a hello kitty lamp, my daughter was the one who was obsessed with hello kitty, so after nearly 3 years of friendship she knew nothing about me or cared enough to remember what sorts of things I liked. That's just a few very small incidents, it was constant moments like that, thinking she was a friend and then something would slap me in the face to show that she didn't give a damn about me.

More recently I thought I'd made 2 online friends but then it became clear that I was just being used to build websites, or for advice on packaging,products, advertising etc for their business'.

So yeah now I have a hard time trusting anyone who seems friendly towards me because my entire life people have only been friends with me to use me in some way. I did expect it to change once I left school but no, same old rubbish just with adults and the same thing happens over and over I think a friendship is starting and then they just disappear, I must be one boring waste of space because nobody ever wants to keep in touch (maybe because I write too much:lol:)
Is it a trait of our sort to analyze the very atoms of a new friendship to see if you are getting played for a fool again?
I find that everything any potential new friend does is something of which I am skeptical and I will try to work out if it is calculated to put them in a position to gain from me in some way.
As you must realize this is exhausting and a very destructive behavior but I am so sick to death of being taken advantage of, I tend not to lie, am free with money and gifts and will, it seems, go to any lengths to prove I am worthy of friendship and of course this leaves me open to being used and abused by even people with the best of intentions!

Is anybody else this weary or terrified of simple friendship?

Unfortunatlely this is something I do in relationships. I know it's annoying and I often feel bad about. It also doesn't help that I remember every little detail and spend a lot of time working "logic" in my head to try and spot negative things. I don't have any real life friends at the moment, but if I did, I would likely do it with them as well. Anyone new for that matter.

It takes a while. I guess I've been overly nice and have been taken advantage of in the past, also. So it's almost out of paranoia that I just can't spot stuff like that like others can. I'm guessing it has to with not picking up odd language/social details "instinctively" I always have to,sort of gather clues and use logic at a later date, If that makes any sense.
Is it a trait of our sort to analyze the very atoms of a new friendship to see if you are getting played for a fool again?
I find that everything any potential new friend does is something of which I am skeptical and I will try to work out if it is calculated to put them in a position to gain from me in some way.
As you must realize this is exhausting and a very destructive behavior but I am so sick to death of being taken advantage of, I tend not to lie, am free with money and gifts and will, it seems, go to any lengths to prove I am worthy of friendship and of course this leaves me open to being used and abused by even people with the best of intentions!

Is anybody else this weary or terrified of simple friendship?

I'm a bit like that now...

Don't know if it's ASD related though.

In the past few years I've lost a lot of friends over either stupid reasons of pretty much no reason. I'm really weary in regards to meeting new people in terms of "friendship" instead of just having seen their face around and having a drink or so. However, I don't really think it's the "hey let's be friends" way of establishing a friendship either, that grows... I just know that in over the past say... 12 months I've lost people whom I considered friends and with whom I shared more than just a bottle of booze.
I'm guessing it has to with not picking up odd language/social details "instinctively" I always have to,sort of gather clues and use logic at a later date, If that makes any sense.

I agree and think that's how I am too, my husband warned me about the 3 people I mentioned above, he warned me about my real life friend that she was just using me and wasn't my friend but I insisted she was and couldn't understand how he just knew she was bad news.

Same with the online ones he told me not to give out free advice and help like that because they'd just use me but again I couldn't see why they would, it made no sense, I wouldn't do that to them so why would they do it to me.

I think a big part of it as well was that I was so desperate for a friend that I didn't want to use logic to look at what the basis of our 'friendships' were. Looking back now I can see what an idiot I was and all the times I was let down, hurt, ignored and the only time they wanted to know me was when they wanted something from me.
This is probably gonna be me alone I am certain but;
I can usually find the pros and cons in every situation, if I am faced with the worst case scenario I can easily find something redemptive about it.
Conversely if there is a perfect scenario, a too good to be true type situation, I am the first to pick holes and spot the rotten core, now, is this me? Pessimism/ optimism or ASD related?

Lately (as in the last few years), I have noticed myself doing that quite a bit. I wouldn't say that I am being either pessimistic or optimistic, I am just examining the potential pros and cons of any given situation. I have also learned through experience not to let myself get to built up or over-excited for things in case it comes crashing down or doesn't work out for whatever reason.
I've noticed that I tend to find myself to be generally neutral and realistic about things, but is other people who seem to think I'm slanted in one direction. I've noticed this about politics mostly. I found about half will think I'm conservative and the other really liberal. Truth is, I'm neither and don't identify myself in any direction. I'm not exactly a pessimistic or a naive optimist either which seems to have a similar divide.

It really just depends what I say...honestly there are very few things where I have strict opinions and passions like that. So I just don't say everything I think, just what's relevant to the convo at the time, and people just fill in the gaps and brand a label based on one sentence i said. I find that massively annoying,
It's quite common for people to have obssession and/or deep interests in such, however, just while I was painting a bit it struck me again.

Is it just me that I can only have an obsession if I don't have to do anything else?

Currently I don't have a job, nor school, and to be honest, I feel the best I've ever felt (on most days) because I can spend pretty much 24 hours a day on whatever I want, and I can obsess over it, without sharing a bit of thought with other things. Yes, there is a "me" part of it, being AD(H)D I guess... which makes it hard to focus on something alltogether, and it feels really tiresome to focus on something over and over again time and time again. In the past that probably made me lose interest in a lot of things because the entire "impulse" to start something and just go on with it was lost (and I lost "the moment"). Add in that I in general have some interests that not only require some attention but actually a lot of time. I can't really think of anything I do that's just done for a short while. I think it's safe to say that writing music takes longer than "that hour you have left"... and I sometimes end up spending 20+ hours working on something. The same kinda goes for graphic design, where the moment gets lost in the sense that if I'm working on something and have to take a long break for whatever reason, I just kinda lose the style I'm working on and I have to re-adjust (which I have found out can take up to a week to re-adjust to again). I have also found out that the more I spend on the same thing, the more it's like an eye of a storm. I start of really slow, and increase pace over time, thus I prefer to spend more time on things in one go. It's pretty much the same I heard when I had a job. I'm no person for a one day job on a random day... I really need to be there for a long period to actually appear a decent asset.

Sometimes I just feels like I'm "worrying" a lot. Like for instance, I'm taking a break now from painting (and checking out AC cause I'm sitting at my desk anyway) but I kinda know that somewhere during the day dinner will be ready and I have to stop what I'm doing. The fact that there's things like "keeping track of time" attract enough attention for me to not get involved with something 'seriously". In general I function best when there's no rules or schedules to adhere to, thus it's another reason why I usually do all my stuff in the night where I in general wouldn't expect phonecalls, doorbells, people needing me or whatever there is.

But... yeah, do you feel "restricted" in how much you can obsess over something?
But... yeah, do you feel "restricted" in how much you can obsess over something?

At the moment I'm obsessed with some of the games on my tablet to the extent that of I start playing then nothing will pull me away from it until I'm finished. So i try not to go on it if time will be a problem, it annoys me because all I want to do is just sit and play but we may have to go out in an hour or something so I won't even turn the thing on. Same happened with my last major obsession of book writing, I wouldn't even pick the pen up unless I was sure I could sit and do it for 5/6 hours straight with a brief annoying interruption for lunch.

I really want tot type up my second book and get started on the third but time is a real problem at the moment, I'm back and forth to the hospital and doctor's with my daughter and husband so there are lots of days at the moment when I won't be able to write and that will infuriate me so I'm putting it off but at the same time I'm losing the obsession a little which is also annoying me.
“Nice guys finish last”
we’ve all heard that saying but, they forgot to mention that it only applies if you have Aspergers!

Do you guys have an issue with always doing what is right even if it’s not right for you? Will you stick your neck out to help or protect someone who is quite capable of doing for themselves?
I automatically steer toward doing the right thing, even in computer games where nobody would EVER know I took the bad role, I still can’t help but be the good guy.

It hurts so badly sometimes!

I heard tell of a thing called the ‘Superman complex’, where you feel it is your duty to set everything to rights. Is this me? Is that you? Is it everyone on ASD!

(Double drat, my tights are itchy and my ‘S’ is crooked)
I also have issues writing with a pen/pencil. My fingers and hand hurts after a while and my handwriting quality is poor. I have no problems with grammar/paragraphs/spelling though.
My handwriting was always abysmal and a source of lifelong embarrassment. There were times I couldn't read my own writing. Finally, about 20 years ago, I was assigned a task at work where I had to reorganize an extensive filing system for an exhibition. So that others could actually USE the file folders that I labeled, I began to print in block capitals (like "small caps" in the font settings in Word). At last, I achieved legibility. Now, writing in a straight line? Different story, hahaha!
“Nice guys finish last”
we’ve all heard that saying but, they forgot to mention that it only applies if you have Aspergers!

Do you guys have an issue with always doing what is right even if it’s not right for you? Will you stick your neck out to help or protect someone who is quite capable of doing for themselves?
I automatically steer toward doing the right thing, even in computer games where nobody would EVER know I took the bad role, I still can’t help but be the good guy.

It hurts so badly sometimes!

I heard tell of a thing called the ‘Superman complex’, where you feel it is your duty to set everything to rights. Is this me? Is that you
Yes, that is me, I'm afraid. I have had "words" with complete strangers when they have voiced something I find morally repugnant (racist/homophobic/bigoted, etc.). I have given children that I don't know the evil eye when it appears that they are bullying another child, causing them to stop and leave. I regularly rescue injured animals and lost children, assist the disabled when everyone else walks by, and let most people know when I think that they are rude or insensitive. This last is, of course, pretty rude in itself. Mostly I cannot stand to watch helpless people become victims. It makes my blood boil.
While sensory overload might be quite common for a lot of us on the spectrum, I do wonder... are there moments where you can't deal with sensory stimuli you can normally deal better with?

I'm experiencing a lot of stuff right now that gets me totally mental and didn't bother me as much before. The main thing would probably be that I cannot deal with hearing people talk... especially my parents while they're watching tv. In ended up a few times in me telling them "either watch tv and shut up, or put the damn thing off and talk". I'm mostly in my room doing my things, but for dinner I come downstairs (and a few other things). And even that becomes a serious issue now. I should add in, that recently I sleep less because my sleeping pattern is changed a bit... having to do some things during the day for most part. I should change that back I think, because daylight AND noises makes me way to agressive and I need about 2 to 3 days to even calm myself down after a 5 minute overload. I'm seriously thinking I might have something similar to a winter depression but in the summer... (cause in the winter I felt way more comfy)

But... is your ability to deal with sensory overload changing every now and then (due to circumstances; and if so how/which ones?).
Yes. When I am super-tired or stressed because of surroundings or events, I can hardly sort one conversation out from another. Sometimes I will be participating in a conversation only to realize that others have moved on to another and even another conversation after that. At that point I just shut down. Lights seem brighter, noises louder, etc.
well...not sure about this one...it doesn't seem very Aspergian but still, I tend to start something (doesn't matter whether it is a project or even just a conversation) use up all the energy in the beginning, exhaust myself, my interest and enthusiasm then just drop it. Sometimes I can run on almost empty for very long time but in most cases, give me a few weeks maximum and I'm done. As for conversations, sometimes I can easily loose interest immediately after starting it. I'm not sure... it might be more ADHD-ish rather than Aspergian...
While sensory overload might be quite common for a lot of us on the spectrum, I do wonder... are there moments where you can't deal with sensory stimuli you can normally deal better with?

I'm experiencing a lot of stuff right now that gets me totally mental and didn't bother me as much before. The main thing would probably be that I cannot deal with hearing people talk... especially my parents while they're watching tv. In ended up a few times in me telling them "either watch tv and shut up, or put the damn thing off and talk". I'm mostly in my room doing my things, but for dinner I come downstairs (and a few other things). And even that becomes a serious issue now. I should add in, that recently I sleep less because my sleeping pattern is changed a bit... having to do some things during the day for most part. I should change that back I think, because daylight AND noises makes me way to agressive and I need about 2 to 3 days to even calm myself down after a 5 minute overload. I'm seriously thinking I might have something similar to a winter depression but in the summer... (cause in the winter I felt way more comfy)

But... is your ability to deal with sensory overload changing every now and then (due to circumstances; and if so how/which ones?).

Did it start happening before your sleep pattern changed or after?
I get extra "sensitive" to noise if I didn't have enough sleep several days in a row (but then again, I think a lot of people do :) )

Another thing is, if I had to be in a noisy or in any kind of overwhelming environment without time for recuperation, my ability to block noises reduces as well. As for light sensitivity... I'm on Topomax (I probably mentioned it 300 million times already :) ) it reduces light sensitivity, but sometimes I would still have my "episodes" out of nowhere (usually at night in traffic) but generally my eyes don't hurt any more. Maybe if you could try to get back to more comfortable sleeping pattern and get some rest, you condition will improve. Another things that you might consider, or question yourself: were you more overwhelmed than usual (more stuff's happening in your life)? did you have a cold or flu recently?

The reason why I asked about cold, every member in my family had a weird virus, it seemed to hit me the worst, I was sick for at leas 3 weeks, had fever for weeks after that and still feel tired.
Did it start happening before your sleep pattern changed or after?
I get extra "sensitive" to noise if I didn't have enough sleep several days in a row (but then again, I think a lot of people do :) )

Another thing is, if I had to be in a noisy or in any kind of overwhelming environment without time for recuperation, my ability to block noises reduces as well. As for light sensitivity... I'm on Topomax (I probably mentioned it 300 million times already :) ) it reduces light sensitivity, but sometimes I would still have my "episodes" out of nowhere (usually at night in traffic) but generally my eyes don't hurt any more. Maybe if you could try to get back to more comfortable sleeping pattern and get some rest, you condition will improve. Another things that you might consider, or question yourself: were you more overwhelmed than usual (more stuff's happening in your life)? did you have a cold or flu recently?

The reason why I asked about cold, every member in my family had a weird virus, it seemed to hit me the worst, I was sick for at leas 3 weeks, had fever for weeks after that and still feel tired.

I feel it's been since it changed. It feels really apparent that I'm not a morning person, not for being drowsy or at least not really awake, but because of sensory issues. The light and sound of day is way too much of an exposure for me. I need my nights to do my stuff instead of my days to do things. Add in that I do not feel particularly "inspired" by daytime and want to do things to be busy... I'm sitting around all neurotic with hardly any motivation all day. That probably adds to my feeling of not dealing with it well. So in short;

"Normal" daytime rhytmn --> Sensory overload by light and sound --> No motivation --> Neurotic behaviour --> Bored in the evening (and a bit tired) --> Back to bed --> Rinse repeat

Don't recall having a cold or a flu. And as for more things happening... yes in a way there is. It's called daytime and people usually do things during the day. I can't even handle people in the same house watching tv and talking whilst I'm awake. So yes, that adds up. Feels a bit like I can't catch a break from an overload whilst awake.
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I do not have a personal relationship with the people around me. that is why I can get awway with it all. I sometimes say things that are not true, to those around me, NOT the people that I care about. Sometimes I get trapped in the web, of my own lies. Is it my ASD or is it just me? I do not like to blame my ASD. Personally I think it is just me!
I do not have a personal relationship with the people around me. that is why I can get awway with it all. I sometimes say things that are not true, to those around me, NOT the people that I care about. Sometimes I get trapped in the web, of my own lies. Is it my ASD or is it just me? I do not like to blame my ASD. Personally I think it is just me!
I am a terrible liar and it stresses me out terribly so I prefer not to. I am almost compulsively honest, "to a fault". I have tried all my life not to be so bluntly honest, and have gotten much better about it. However, it still gets the better of me at times and out it comes--the truth. Intellectually I realize it is often not necessary, but I guess my impulse control is weak in that area.

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