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*Little* Things That Annoy You (Pet Peeves)

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People on forums who post a thread with a line from a random song as a title then the following line in their OP from the same song. I really don't see the point in this, but thankfully people on this forum don't do that.
When people think that once your kids are grown-up you have to treat them like strangers or something, simply because "they're grown-up". But, grown-up or not, we all need a little emotional support from our parents (if we have parents that are there for us), and it's important to stay close. After all, your grown-up children are still family, you still love them and want what's best for them, so naturally you will worry about them and want to help if they are confiding in you. My grandmother was there for my mother when she was in crisis, in her 20s. Her mother didn't just go "well you're an adult now, deal with your problems yourself". She helped my mother, and my mother was so grateful. Then when my grandmother grew old and got Alzheimer's, my mother was there for her. So I think it's important to keep your grown-up children close if they're happy for you to (usually them coming to you for support or advice when they have a problem means they want you in their lives), and is unhealthy to just dismiss all their problems just because they've circled the sun over 18 times (sorry if that's scientifically wrong but you know what I mean). I think we all need a bit of help sometimes in our adult lives, even the most confident NTs might need their mother or father when in crisis. From the minute you have a fetus growing inside you, you're a parent for the rest of your life unless all your children die before you or your children go into care and you never see them again. Otherwise, if your children are in your life throughout, you'll always be their parents.
When you say something makes you anxious and someone starts giving a lecture on why the thing that makes me anxious is in place, like they think that anxiety means too ignorant to understand (although for me it can mean that in some contexts but not stuff that is obvious).

The fact that I kind of monopolize this thread and it's otherwise not as popular as it should be.
When people think that once your kids are grown-up you have to treat them like strangers or something, simply because "they're grown-up". But, grown-up or not, we all need a little emotional support from our parents (if we have parents that are there for us), and it's important to stay close.
Interesting observation.

Do you think such social dynamics are rooted in cultural considerations? (Some cultures weighing loyalty and love to family unconditionally as opposed to other cultures).

I've witnessed parent/adult children relationships from both perspectives where mostly only cultural considerations seemed to prevail.
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Coffee that has gone cold.

Paradoxically, cold-brewed café mocha is one of my favorite beverages.
Does anyone else have unusual things that bother them? Um, let me explain,

I get very angry and upset when I see an ad/commercial that assumes it knows what I think like 'You've always wanted to travel to blank...' And I'm like no. No NO NO. I've never wanted to do that. Don't assume you know what I want.

Also I get mad when an ad or sign tells me what to do, like a sign said I needed to buy more shoes or I need to stop and read the advertisement and I'm like, WTF no I don't. Don't tell what to do, that's stupid.

It makes me really upset and no one else understands why, I try to explain it to them but they say that it's just an ad or commercial. I drives me crazy.

Why sweat the small stuff when there are so many elephantine peeves? Seriously, though, I constantly point out similar stuff that annoys the daylights out of me because of the intentions displayed, and nobody else gets it either.
When people blame any weather on climate change.

Raining? Climate change.
Snow in winter? Climate change.
Sun shining in summer? Climate change.
Blustery autumn day? Climate change.
Too many clouds? Climate change.
Full moon? Climate change.
Tides coming in 5 minutes earlier than it usually does? Climate change.

I wonder if they had any weather at all before this climate change threat became known?
To access this forum, yesterday I had to go through a really hard half hour with "technical support" because a box was labelled "user name" instead of "email address." This from a company that assigns me an account name, and uses my real name on bills.
To access this forum, yesterday I had to go through a really hard half hour with "technical support" because a box was labelled "user name" instead of "email address." This from a company that assigns me an account name, and uses my real name on bills.

Lots of places have taken to using your email address as your login/username, and then using the terms interchangeably, when, at best "username" ends up ambiguous.
Does anyone else have unusual things that bother them? Um, let me explain,

I get very angry and upset when I see an ad/commercial that assumes it knows what I think like 'You've always wanted to travel to blank...' And I'm like no. No NO NO. I've never wanted to do that. Don't assume you know what I want.

Also I get mad when an ad or sign tells me what to do, like a sign said I needed to buy more shoes or I need to stop and read the advertisement and I'm like, WTF no I don't. Don't tell what to do, that's stupid.

It makes me really upset and no one else understands why, I try to explain it to them but they say that it's just an ad or commercial. I drives me crazy.
I have some, but what I think of right now is when some seller on the street comes up to me, refusing to go away, blocking the road, and the second the person picks up my name, which only happened in the past, they start using it all the time, as if we are the best friends ever. The feeling that no matter how many times you try, politely, to say no thank you, and then having to just leave, is so annoying.
I have some, but what I think of right now is when some seller on the street comes up to me, refusing to go away, blocking the road, and the second the person picks up my name, which only happened in the past, they start using it all the time, as if we are the best friends ever. The feeling that no matter how many times you try, politely, to say no thank you, and then having to just leave, is so annoying.
Yep, they're targeting you because you look naive to them. We tend to be. Just luckily not always in the particular ways that they assume. The upside to being underestimated is that you can tell what they're trying to pull.
Anti-science Luddites in general, and especially people ignoring the long-term effects of Climate Change.
Anti-science Luddites in general, and especially people ignoring the long-term effects of Climate Change.
I'm actually a fan of science, when applied responsibly, and that's precisely why I don't have an opinion as to human responsibilities towards the climate. I haven't done the research, and then that, in turn, is advised by the fact that I have about the same influence over both politics and the weather. I'm not sure what response I would offer if I did invest the effort to weed through all of the contention and debate.
Any claim that originates on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok.

Any claim that denies established scientific principles.
The same people who say "Someone should do something about" something they do not like are the same people who will do nothing about it themselves. Take the homeless situation -- there are any number of homeless advocates who demand action on homelessness, yet who themselves would never consider taking a homeless person into their own home and providing them with food, medical care, psychological treatment, and employment training.
When autocorrect keeps correcting "u" to "I" when texting. I don't always check my texts before I send, as I just tap quickly then send, and then I realise all the u's (short for "you") have been replaced with I's, which can really confuse or mislead the person on the receiving end.
Rude people annoy me. Hannibal Lector was right:

Apps stealing focus on my PC. My laptop isn't super powerful and I do a lot with it. So I'll often start an app, push it to background, then get on with something else while it's sorting itself out. I hate it when it keeps stealing back focus. I'll be just about to type something and it'll grab focus back, so I type into the abyss. I'll put the app I want to front, go to click, and it 'll steal focus. And so on. Drives me nuts.

And related: the layout shift or delayed pop-up. You navigate to a page and just as you are about to click, an image loads above where you're reading, shifting everything down so you click on an ad or link. Or the pop-up that appears, especially the request for surveys, just when you find what you've spent 10 minutes searching for on a support site or similar.
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