When the bus-driver pulls away when you're just arriving at the bus stop, because unlike years ago they now have a policy where it's the passenger's responsibility to arrive to the bus stop on time before the bus comes. While that rule is logical, sometimes it isn't the passenger's fault. One Sunday I was about to embark on a 2-hour journey, involving 3 different buses, to see my ill mother. The buses were few and far between, so my choice of time was limited. I arrived to the first bus stop over 5 minutes early but saw the bus pulling out and driving off. I had half an hour until the second bus I had to get, so I joined the bus stop and hoped the next bus coming would be within the next half hour. It came about 22 minutes later, so I hoped I'd get to the next bus stop within the next 8 minutes, as it was only a 5-minute bus ride to there. But passengers got on, dithering and delaying the bus, then every light turned red on the way, delaying the bus even further. When I reached the next stop the second bus was just pulling out. This bus wasn't too regular on a Sunday, but I thought that if I ran to the next bus stop I could jump on there, as I knew there were red lights and other hazards that would slow the bus down between the two bus stops. So I ran for it, and as I almost reached the next stop I put out my my hand to signal for them to stop. The driver peered at me as he passed, but didn't stop at the bus stop for me. I then realised on the timetable that this particular bus isn't required to stop there for some reason, which I didn't know. So that was that, I couldn't go on my journey to see my ill mother. I was very disappointed, but also furious, because being so it was Sunday and the second bus wasn't late or anything and there weren't much traffic about and it only came once or twice on a Sunday, I'd have thought that the driver would have been more lenient and pulled over at the bus stop to let me jump on.
Me being 2 seconds late was not my fault, as if the previous bus hadn't of left too early then I would have been half an hour early for the bus. Half an hour is enough time to give yourself, as if you give yourself any longer you have to sit and wait about at a bus stop in the cold for ages, and you shouldn't have to, because the buses should leave bus stops at the correct time and not 5 minutes early. I think drivers and bus companies should take this into consideration and make a rule where if it's a quiet week-end day and the buses aren't running late then they should allow rushing passengers to jump on, as it's not always our fault we're late to the bus stop.