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*Little* Things That Annoy You (Pet Peeves)

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I just told an entire narrative using only a sequence of three consecutive double entendres, and I got a confused stare and "What???". Living the life.

I used to think people just disagreed that what I said was funny, and now I'm convinced they scarcely understand anything I say, when they hear it at all.
Apps stealing focus on my PC. My laptop isn't super powerful and I do a lot with it. So I'll often start an app, push it to background, then get on with something else while it's sorting itself out. I hate it when it keeps stealing back focus. I'll be just about to type something and it'll grab focus back, so I type into the abyss. I'll put the app I want to front, go to click, and it 'll steal focus. And so on. Drives me nuts.

And related: the layout shift or delayed pop-up. You navigate to a page and just as you are about to click, an image loads above where you're reading, shifting everything down so you click on an ad or link. Or the pop-up that appears, especially the request for surveys, just when you find what you've spent 10 minutes searching for on a support site or similar.
Ugh, yes. It seems ads are designed to annoy more than inspire people. If I had more money I'd pay for all my apps and more so that I wouldn't have to get annoying ads that mess up the page. One time I was trying to read something on the internet but there was a huge ad blocking a large part of the text and I couldn't get rid of it.
I also hate it when a page demands you to pay or answer a question or subscribe before reading. It's very invasive and annoying when it's the only Google result you wanted. Just let me read it! Just because I select a result on Google it doesn't mean I support the website it's from, it's because it's the most useful result that came up. It's like if you're driving along a highway and need to take a stop at a gas station and you got hugely thanked for choosing their gas station and demanding you to keep coming back or subscribe to receive unwanted advertisements, when really you didn't choose it as such, it was just the next available stop to fill your car before you conk out on the highway.
I had to deal with my ISP, and where they wanted me to enter my email address, they asked for my "user name" which brought up too many possibilities to deal with, so I had to endure a crazy-making half hour on the telephone.
The list of 'little' things that I find annoying is quite long...from the fact that 'short' sleeves on most shirts reach most of the way to the elbow, to lazy/improper grammar/structure, to poor civil engineering.
The list of 'little' things that I find annoying is quite long...from the fact that 'short' sleeves on most shirts reach most of the way to the elbow, to lazy/improper grammar/structure, to poor civil engineering.
Shorts reach to the knee, so are shorts too long?


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Shorts reach to the knee, so are shorts too long?
Depends on the purpose of the shorts...jogging shorts should be mid-thigh at best, cycling shorts mid-thigh to just above the knee, whereas board shorts should be just past the knee, etc.
Depends on the purpose of the shorts...jogging shorts should be mid-thigh at best, cycling shorts mid-thigh to just above the knee, whereas board shorts should be just past the knee, etc.
Everything is at least an inch off, so everything annoys me O_O
When people fail to explain something clearly and concisely, and then blame me for not understanding their convoluted, long-winded, and utterly boring explanations.

It is not that I do not understand; it is just that I am no longer interested.
When people fail to explain something clearly and concisely, and then blame me for not understanding their convoluted, long-winded, and utterly boring explanations.

It is not that I do not understand; it is just that I am no longer interested.
Provide me with an airtight argument proving your own existence.
When you're googling something on how to do something but all that comes up is YouTube videos. I prefer to just read instructions rather than having to listen through a video of someone with that American singsong accent spending half the video reminding you to like, subscribe, comment, follow them on Twitter, Instagram, check out their other videos and channels, goes on forever. And also starting the video with "heyyyyyy, wassup guys, welcome to another video on my channel, it's a really nice day today in Kansas...." and so on.
When you're googling something on how to do something but all that comes up is YouTube videos. I prefer to just read instructions rather than having to listen through a video of someone with that American singsong accent spending half the video reminding you to like, subscribe, comment, follow them on Twitter, Instagram, check out their other videos and channels, goes on forever. And also starting the video with "heyyyyyy, wassup guys, welcome to another video on my channel, it's a really nice day today in Kansas...." and so on.
I much prefer to read instructions myself, but sometimes a video is helpful for things that benefit from visuals, like mechanic work and so forth. If you need help finding a bolt, or wire, or other mechanical doodad, it helps, but only if there aren't like a dozen sub-models that were all built different and there's no way to know which is which, but I digress...
I much prefer to read instructions myself, but sometimes a video is helpful for things that benefit from visuals, like mechanic work and so forth. If you need help finding a bolt, or wire, or other mechanical doodad, it helps, but only if there aren't like a dozen sub-models that were all built different and there's no way to know which is which, but I digress...
Generally I prefer anything to reading, but when it comes to googling instructions or guidance I much prefer to read than to watch a video, because of my short attention span to logical tasks I need to take my time to stare at an image and read the instruction a few times.
But when it comes to reading books I have to get the audiobooks instead (I have the app), although I have to be doing a task while listening to the audiobook to stop my thoughts wondering off.
Also I hate when I'm on the help and support section on my Facebook app where there's instructions telling you how to get to a feature, but in order to follow the instructions one by one you have to navigate away from it to get there, then you've forgotten what it said. I don't know why it can't just take you straight to it in a link thing, as the name of the thing you want to get to is written in the instructions. Or maybe Facebook thinks we all have a photographic memory or good patience.
Generally I prefer anything to reading, but when it comes to googling instructions or guidance I much prefer to read than to watch a video, because of my short attention span to logical tasks I need to take my time to stare at an image and read the instruction a few times.
But when it comes to reading books I have to get the audiobooks instead (I have the app), although I have to be doing a task while listening to the audiobook to stop my thoughts wondering off.

Reading is way more random-access, and you feel like you have a lot more control over the delivery, and like you said, there's stuff you want to read three or four times to make sure you got it, or maybe you want to go compare it to some other section.
When the bus-driver pulls away when you're just arriving at the bus stop, because unlike years ago they now have a policy where it's the passenger's responsibility to arrive to the bus stop on time before the bus comes. While that rule is logical, sometimes it isn't the passenger's fault. One Sunday I was about to embark on a 2-hour journey, involving 3 different buses, to see my ill mother. The buses were few and far between, so my choice of time was limited. I arrived to the first bus stop over 5 minutes early but saw the bus pulling out and driving off. I had half an hour until the second bus I had to get, so I joined the bus stop and hoped the next bus coming would be within the next half hour. It came about 22 minutes later, so I hoped I'd get to the next bus stop within the next 8 minutes, as it was only a 5-minute bus ride to there. But passengers got on, dithering and delaying the bus, then every light turned red on the way, delaying the bus even further. When I reached the next stop the second bus was just pulling out. This bus wasn't too regular on a Sunday, but I thought that if I ran to the next bus stop I could jump on there, as I knew there were red lights and other hazards that would slow the bus down between the two bus stops. So I ran for it, and as I almost reached the next stop I put out my my hand to signal for them to stop. The driver peered at me as he passed, but didn't stop at the bus stop for me. I then realised on the timetable that this particular bus isn't required to stop there for some reason, which I didn't know. So that was that, I couldn't go on my journey to see my ill mother. I was very disappointed, but also furious, because being so it was Sunday and the second bus wasn't late or anything and there weren't much traffic about and it only came once or twice on a Sunday, I'd have thought that the driver would have been more lenient and pulled over at the bus stop to let me jump on.
Me being 2 seconds late was not my fault, as if the previous bus hadn't of left too early then I would have been half an hour early for the bus. Half an hour is enough time to give yourself, as if you give yourself any longer you have to sit and wait about at a bus stop in the cold for ages, and you shouldn't have to, because the buses should leave bus stops at the correct time and not 5 minutes early. I think drivers and bus companies should take this into consideration and make a rule where if it's a quiet week-end day and the buses aren't running late then they should allow rushing passengers to jump on, as it's not always our fault we're late to the bus stop.
People who whine when colours are genderized.

When Google and even Duckduckgo only give results from the left-wing perspective.

When others give opinions against immigration in the UK on internet forums it's OK, but when I do I get "RACIST! RACIIIIIIST!!!!!!" screamed at me, repeatedly shaming me.
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When I say "I'm unattractive" or "I wish I was more attractive", and people respond with "well you have inner beauty which is better." That never fills me with much self-confidence and I don't care how 'beautiful' I am on the inside it's still nice to look attractive on the outside too. Also when people say that, they're actually implying that I am unattractive, then when horrible manipulative bullies on internet forums call me accusing names then that kills any pride I did have in my inner beauty.
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