If you want him to understand how to care, you will probably have to literally trust that you can actually tell him word for word since you feel he is on spectrum, seem to trust him overall, and my impression of him based on what you told me is that he is almost definitely on the spectrum. You might even have to explain why too to begin to help him to understand. It will feel like you have to use too much energy, but if you want to make this work, you have to consider being able to live in this manner for the rest of your life. Are you ready for this?
Because he tends to like certain routines and shows less expression, he is also more likely to be more predictable and trustworthy once you get to understand and accept his notions and quirks. It can be a worthwhile life experience, but you might have to sacrifice a way of emotional living that you're used to. Probably only you can determine if it's worth pursuing further or not.
Just because he does have feelings doesn't mean that he feels the same way. He may internalize them to such an extreme that he doesn't want to share them because he might react poorly if he attempted to do so. Plus, there is a tendency for routine and not wanting to focus on too many factors. What might come natural for you could be an additional stress for some of us on here.
If you don't think the relationship is good for you, I wouldn't shove the relationship in the back door like many people do. It is worth considering a non-romantic friendship if it doesn't work out and if he feels the same way about that.
If you want him to understand how to care, you will probably have to literally trust that you can actually tell him word for word since you feel he is on spectrum, seem to trust him overall, and my impression of him based on what you told me is that he is almost definitely on the spectrum. You might even have to explain why too to begin to help him to understand. It will feel like you have to use too much energy, but if you want to make this work, you have to consider being able to live in this manner for the rest of your life. Are you ready for this?
Because he tends to like certain routines and shows less expression, he is also more likely to be more predictable and trustworthy once you get to understand and accept his notions and quirks. It can be a worthwhile life experience, but you might have to sacrifice a way of emotional living that you're used to. Probably only you can determine if it's worth pursuing further or not.
Just because he does have feelings doesn't mean that he feels the same way. He may internalize them to such an extreme that he doesn't want to share them because he might react poorly if he attempted to do so. Plus, there is a tendency for routine and not wanting to focus on too many factors. What might come natural for you could be an additional stress for some of us on here.
If you don't think the relationship is good for you, I wouldn't shove the relationship in the back door like many people do. It is worth considering a non-romantic friendship if it doesn't work out and if he feels the same way about that.
How do I begin to explain what it is? What can I say that sums it up in a few words without him feeling like he's an alien. Is there a positive way to explain?
A few other things I've noticed:-
In the gym he will pull his top up and stick out his stomach as far as possible. I see people looking, but he is oblivious to it. I laugh and he says things like 'I'm not here to look pretty' very childlike behaviour for a 48 year old.
He buys the same make of clothes. All his t-shirts are one make, his trousers all another, his underwear is all the same company and his work shirts are all from the same place. He said he likes the way they fit.
I noticed yesterday a huge pile of mail unopened.
He likes to wash the dishes a certain way and if I do it I can see he's uncomfortable. He's told me to leave it for him to do. I find this hard as I want to help.
Last night he was talking about some work they have to do soon (he's in IT) he said we will have to work five days solid. I realised he meant 24 hours over five days. When I suggested that would be difficult, he'd need to rest. He said he could do it. His main priority is money. He earns a lot of money but doesn't appear to be very good with money.