I'm sorry you have been put through such pain by this man, and it can't pretend to understand all his inappropriate behaviour , but I can relate to some of it, which is helping me understand myself, so thanks for posting. Your guy lives in the moment, I think, and always wants to take the easiest course of action, in terms of who he is interacting with at the time and not upsetting them. He probably communicates better by email than through having to talk to someone face to face. So, although he has had a really good relationship going on with you, he's developed electronically and at a distance, he's fallen into a trap with his face to face encounters with this other person. He hates to hurt anyone and being face to face with her will say (and apparently do) anything to keep things sweet. He is operating in a kind of panic and doesn't see, as it's happening, how that could be hurtful to you. Then when that moment has happened he has a problem as he finally feels the fear of hoe you might react. His best bet then would be to be deceitful and withhold information from you, which fits his motivation not to hurt you, but in the end, it all comes out, because he's Aspie and we actually can't do deceit , we haven't got the memory required to keep the cover up going, trying to maintain deceit is unbearably stressful to us, and our natural tendency is to be open about everything. We just get more and more stressed. Then when it all came out, your guy , he is in mad panic mode again and trying now to say what he thinks will hurt YOU the least, and getting that horribly wrong too. I'm not trying to defend his terrible behaviour, which is totally unacceptable, but though this insight might help to ease your pain a little.