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Post something Weird or Random

Meanwhile, in Oslo..


I don't know exactly what was going on there, but I'll bet that horse thinks humans are really weird.
Here is ingenuity at work. For the past couple of days I have had to do a lot of plowing to clear lake effect snow. I was recently in Kanazawa which gets "lake effect" snow in massive amounts off of the sea of Japan. That city was never a target in WWII and a lot of the Samurai and Geisha districts survived. Many of those streets are too narrow for snow clearing equipment. Take a look at the picture. The silver disks in the middle of the pavement are spray heads used during snowfalls to spray warm ground water on the snow to melt it. They have engineered the gutters to carry the load of meltwater down to the river.

You know those genetically modified turkeys they breed for xmas?
Well, the truth is out now!

The eight legs of the spider are missing but that is one thing so it feels like a trick.
Well in one picture, the chicken is named Clucky and in the other it’s Dinner. So that’s another difference. Also one picture the trees are Douglas firs and the other they’re red pines.
Driving in South Florida, I was stopped by real cowboys on horses, wearing cowboy hats, moving a herd of cattle across the road. One of the cowboys following at the back of the herd had a long whip to move the laggards along. I was unable to take a panoramic photo of the whole process, but we all did sit on the state highway for about 20 minutes while the cattle moved across the road.

Driving in South Florida, I was stopped by real cowboys on horses, wearing cowboy hats, moving a herd of cattle across the road. One of the cowboys following at the back of the herd had a long whip to move the laggards along. I was unable to take a panoramic photo of the whole process, but we all did sit on the state highway for about 20 minutes while the cattle moved across the road.

View attachment 138038
Needs some music.


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