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Post something Weird or Random

I don't know exactly what they put in boat primer, but after working in the fumes for half an hour your mind starts to banana banana february umbrella 24. ....what was I talking about? 🥴
What if there was a world where everyone had to imagine Batman on roller skates, in order to fall asleep? Then if they were tired and groggy, you would know why.
I don't know how to describe this strange song.

It is as if she performed a Christian song during a psychotic break.

It's really pretty. But bizarre. High psychedelia.

She was pretty unique and hard to describe. 70s/80s German punk merged with hard rock is my best attempt. I liked a lot of her songs and back up band Spliff. Bahnhof Zoo, Fruling in Paris, Alptraume to mention a few. I got to see her live in Mannheim in 85. Very dynamic voice and showmanship.

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One trippy fact, we were Hari Krishnas at the same time, and came to Christ at the same time.

I think she was Hari Krishna when I saw her and remember she had invited audience to stay after the show and talk religion. I didn't know she had become Christian but am not trully surprised. Good news to me.
If you can remember the "Bonanza" theme music, here's the lyrics that go with it:
"Git it up, git it in, git it out, don't muss my hair-doooo."

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