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Ka-ching! Well done!

Portrait to be precise, or, one half of a coin, a picture, even on a currency note.
Next riddle:

Do not push me or pull me
or I will return to you
If you want me to grow and develop
then this time has come too.
And if action is what you want
then I may do this quickly for you

What is it?
Pendulum? Some sort of clock/watch core mechanism? Coil spring?
The answer was spring, so @Boogs is the winner. I tried to do a riddle the way you do such, with each part having the same answer even if used in a different definition way. Great job!
The answer was spring, so @Boogs is the winner. I tried to do a riddle the way you do such, with each part having the same answer even if used in a different definition way. Great job!
Ha! You made it too easy for me!
Now I've got to try and come up with something - see if I can do something shortly or will ceed to anyone else who hasn't had a go recently - in fact, if there are any who've been waiting for the chance ...? Go for it, only fair everyone gets to go?
Too late, this just slipped out when I wasn't looking! Sorry!!

I look down on those who admire me,
Yet my fame came out of small stature.
But a killer was I - can't you all see,
Despite being now an eye-catcher.
I'm one of the very most famous,
Came from he more famous than I.
No-one would ever defame us,
Rather promote with a sigh.
So sling out your previous notions,
Don't be Philisteins to our art.
No need for pretentious notions,
Just view me to play your part.

[This one doesn't quite follow my normal pattern, for a change]
Too late, this just slipped out when I wasn't looking! Sorry!!

I look down on those who admire me,
Yet my fame came out of small stature.
But a killer was I - can't you all see,
Despite being now an eye-catcher.
I'm one of the very most famous,
Came from he more famous than I.
No-one would ever defame us,
Rather promote with a sigh.
So sling out your previous notions,
Don't be Philisteins to our art.
No need for pretentious notions,
Just view me to play your part.
Michaelangelo's David.
Damnit! Right! Back to the usual one's next time! 😭😉
Well done!
(although you could have pretended to get a wrong answer first to salve my wilted ego? 😁)
Sorry. I would have waited a bit, maybe, but I forgot.
Ok, if no-one else has an objection, is there anyone here who's been patiently waiting to post their puzzle but not yet had the chance?

(Hope you don't mind me breaking your rules @FayetheAspie? I'll delete this if you want, no problem, just say).
Ok, if no-one else has an objection, is there anyone here who's been patiently waiting to post their puzzle but not yet had the chance?

(Hope you don't mind me breaking your rules @FayetheAspie? I'll delete this if you want, no problem, just say).
@Boogs feel free to post another since there was no riddle posted from another nor reply to your message suggesting any disagreement.
Yes, please. Am I ruining the thread by answering riddles and not presenting my own?
Nah, not at all from my side at least. I just get annoyed when anyone answers mine too quickly! 😄

I'll see if I can push my brain through an old laundry mangle to sqeeze out something not too miserable, unless anyone else get's in there before me (although I must warn you - I'll start crying!!!)
Here's something easy to be getting on with ...

Stand up for me
Or sit down on the job.
A trunk of a tree,
At last, I sob!
You'll never move faster,
Than when you need me.
A total disaster,
If slow you should be.
I live in a tray,
I live in a bowl,
I've even sometimes,
Lived in a hole.
And when I'm really rushed,
I always tend get flushed!
I was waiting for some attempts first, I assumed this one was so boringly easy, no-one could bring themselves to try! 😁😉

To be honest I thought it's be guessed immediately! I figured all those lines would give it away.

Ok, well, I'd happily give you a clue but at the moment it's not a convenience for me.
But would that be papering over the cracks? I used to be one of the earliest sources of the chemical industry, though it didn't stop me being called a stinker for it!

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