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This is all giving me a very wet impression, but water just doesn't quite seem right.
And syringe seems close too, but not quite.
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This is all giving me a very wet impression, but water just doesn't quite seem right.
Water and syringe are not the answers there,
as I can be almost
If you want the latest news,
then think not past or ahead
I hope I do not shock you,
as on rare times I may instead.
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Final Clue:

Bodies of water, air and electricity all share this.
I am "happening" in my thesaurus.

Final Clue:

Bodies of water, air and electricity all share this.
I am "happening" in my thesaurus.
Answer to the riddle: :Current

Some riddle lines and tips referred to the noun form of that word, whereas others pointed to the adjective form.
I am often rectangular or square;
As for my width, there's not much there.
I may be found upon thy chair or between four posts.
Tis winter when you love me most.
What am I ?
No way, I solved one? :D That's unusual. I don't have a riddle off the top of my head, so if anyone else have one, please post it.
No way, I solved one? :D That's unusual. I don't have a riddle off the top of my head, so if anyone else have one, please post it.
You should start thinking of one long before you need it!

Here, you're welcome to have one of mine, shouldn't be too hard this time...

I'm exactly a foot in size,
When I'm empty my tongue hangs out.
I may give a bit of a rise,
If you join me walking about.
I'm rarely on my own,
Tho' abandoned at the door.
Is it my smell you disown,
Or the fact I sit on the floor?
Far too easy! I hide my head in shame! Oh! The indignity of it.
Now I've got to think of some BS to pretend I deliberately made it so easy the first guess couldn't be wrong!

(Well done! 😄)
If no-one has anything, I've one that may just manage to last more than one guess (though probably not, I'm far too easy on you lot!) - @FayetheAspie? It's your turn after all ...
A sea with no water form I;
Through the air my offspring do fly.
What am I ?

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