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Suspect I'm going to need some clues as this is really open.
e.g. Sargasso could also fit but I doubt it's what you're thinking, or even Tranquillity.
It technically has flowers, but they aren't immediately recognized as such by most people.
No. I thought dandelions were pretty obvious to most people as having flowers.
I thought their flowers were easily noticeable as flowers as well.🤔 Should I just give the answer?
The answer is grass.
Prarie areas are often referred to as a sea of grass and their offspring (grass seeds) get transported on air currents. And yes they have flowers that are often not recognized as flowers by most people.
Looking closer at grass flowers
It sounds as though I am amusing; yet no laughter do you hear from me.
Say the name of my abode and you'll perhaps think of a tree.
What am I ?

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