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I thought they could match -
I am on the go - that could describe a race
so let me flow. - a river can race

What does "_____" represent? A missing word?
Yes, a missing word. I just think the answer I had may fit slightly better. It can be debatable perhaps though. A river may race in that context, yes.

I will give you a winner regardless, for that race answer, as it fits in the same ways mine does, and as both will satisfy the lines.

Just waiting a few more minutes first to see if some final guesses before I give the answer.
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I thought they could match -
I am on the go - that could describe a race
so let me flow. - a river can race

What does "_____" represent? A missing word?
The answer I was looking for was run:

Riddle explanation:

A fast speed I go ( run)
I may enter this, or ____ ( run ie. for office (like in politics))
I am on the go (on the run)
so let me flow (a river/stream runs/flows etc.)

Will give @Boogs the winner though as his answer fit for all clues and was great and fundamentally sound and right too.
Well, it may have fit but it wasn't the right answer, so I feel a bit uncertain to being a winner -
is there anyone else has a riddle ready (or wants to knock one up quickly)?

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