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Now we're starting to get somewhere! Good guess, getting warmer!

(sorry for delay but I only go online on PC, so if not at home I can't reply)
Thanks. I think I ran out of ideas though. For instance, additional words I thought of like press and strain might satisfy some clues, but not all. So, I think it is ok if you give the answer as another by mistake may have come up with a new riddle after yours, before your answer was revealed.
I'll give you that one then, especially if I've messed up with riddle or clues.
The answer is strain - well done!
But can you show me the line(s) that don't work please?
I'll give you that one then, especially if I've messed up with riddle or clues.
The answer is strain - well done!
But can you show me the line(s) that don't work please?
Great that it was solved!

The lines I was unsure about were:

I differ from many of my species,
I'm a race on the human worlds stage
Great that it was solved!

The lines I was unsure about were:

I differ from many of my species,
I'm a race on the human worlds stage
Ah! those are easy! (phew! had me worried for a moment!)

I differ from many of my species - A strain of plant or animal is a variation within the species.
I'm a race on the human worlds stage - As too is a race of human's (though that use is less common).

Oh yea of little faith, shoulda trusted me! 😏
Ah, ok. The lyrics were those words. Would have never guessed it. Run to the Hills was the only song from that group I remembered.
@1ForAll Thanks for the explanation. I didn't even know it was a music group when I saw the answer. I thought I might need to look that up and see what it was.
Next riddle:

A fast speed I go
Do you know?
I may enter this, or _____
like in politics!
I am on the go
so let me flow.

What am I?
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