Hi all. I feel terrible after reading articles and blogs on a website which describe the experiences of wives of Asperger's men.
I could hardly believe what I was reading. It was hard to endure. Now, I feel like some kind of monster because I am not sure whether I have ever treated people, especially women, this way.
I am not married, but reading stuff like this makes me feel really guilty for wanting to ever get married.
The website states that Aspie men (like me) are akin to psychopaths and narcissists, and have the same effect in a relationship. They say being married to an Aspie man is like being ignored, invalidated all the time, abused, and their life destroyed. They say Aspie men never give them attention and always blame the wife for everything, and last but not least - are totally incapable of loving her.
I almost cried reading that last part. I mean, I believe that I can love a special girl in my life very much, and I want to treat her so well and do everything for her, hold her, comfort her, love her so very much. I had a girlfriend before and was extremely in love with her.
But, is this what people really think of men like me? How can I ever prove that I would never hurt someone that way?
They explicitly say that a woman should never ever get involved with an Aspie man. Why do I deserve to be alone, just because of my condition?
I have read/heard a great deal about what Aspies cannot do, but very little about what they can do. From your post you seem to be a very loving, caring person, and so, rather embrace all of what that brings rather than what someone else reports.
This involves typical stereotyping, typecasting, but ignores individual personality, temperament and character. It is terribly sad that do-called educated people will still do this when it has been clear for over a hundred years that each one of us is a complex being and we do not behave linearly, and so it is almost impossible to classify individuals according to predetermined characteristics.
It may seem cliched, but simply embrace your own positives, live out your own personality and openly work on your negatives. If someone deliberately behaves in the ways that this writer has outlined, then there is something else going on there, and cannot just be pinned on one classification. Also, did the wife not know there was something amiss before marrying - if these men were so bad, how was it possible to hide this before marriage, or was a blind eye turned to the behaviour if it was displayed?