Lately I've been thinking about it a lot. I don't have any friends, any family, anyone special. Also, I don't feel entitled to have any friends, family or SO. No-one owes me anything. Also, I love myself in a lot of ways so don't give me the I need to love myself garbage. I really don't see a reason to be alive if everyday is just the same and there is no motivating love factor.
Knee-jerk reaction: No.
Second thought on the subject: if you don't feel you deserve any friends, or other emotional connections, I'd see a therapist about that, and try to figure out why that is, and what you can do about it. And I think there's a difference, personally, between loving one's self, and feeling one deserves to have close emotional connections. It's totally possible for both to coexist.
Third thought: I've always thought NT's obsession with relationships, to the exclusion of all other purposes in life is ridiculous and exclusionary! ... I remember when one of my cousins got engaged, years ago, and everybody was all excited, and acting like that's all that was important in life. They were acting like my life wasn't important, and wasn't valuable because I didn't have, and didn't understand, the concept or romantic relationships!! I found a
lot of purpose and value to my life without those things! I was also just barely beginning to understand the importance of true friendships, and deep emotional relationships with other people. Most of it was still pretty foreign to me, and I was still largely averse, or indifferent to relationships as a whole.
4th thought: Here's part of a conversation I had with my current autism specialist, maybe about a year ago or so. She kept asking me what goals I had for myself, and what things I wanted to achieve in the next year/near future. At the time, I didn't really have any. I was happy to just rest, and coast. To explore this whole notion of being happy, and not having a lot of stress in my life, and seeing what recognizing that I've been in a better situation mentally than I ever have in my life might bring me in terms of new opportunities. She apparently didn't find this specific enough, or something, as she kept asking the same question for a few months in a row. Finally she said something to the effect of what projects I had in mind, or ... something.
Anyways, it turns out the gist of the whole thing was this question: What gives your life purpose? What provides meaning? She said something to the effect that having goals for the future, and tasks we'd like to do, or achievements we'd like to accomplish gives humans purpose, and are important for our mental health and feelings of wellbeing. When she put it that way, I discovered I had a whole list of things that I want to do. From little, everyday things, to larger, longer term ones.
So, here's my question: are there things in your life that give your life purpose? Can you make a list of them (mental or physical)? It doesn't matter what other people, or society in general thinks of these things (if they exist), it only matters that they matter to
I'd say, as long as there are such things that you can think of, then life is worth living.
If there is absolutely nothing, then you've got a problem, and need to address that until you can come up with something. (using whatever mechanisms you can to solve the problem. Whether that means accessing medical or other services, or finding things on your own that would help.)