I'm not hating on myself, mind you. It's a reality-based, self-inflicted decision to be alone for now. I have a specific situation that feels unfair and/or illogical to expect any woman to want to be a part of. To be clearer: the more materialistic and selfish women who I don't want to be with, anyway, they will view my situation as baggage, drama and run far, far away. And that's just fine. Mature and respectable women will view my situation as reality, nothing I would ever choose to want, entirely fateful per medical reasons, but still, if they showed interest, I would be reserved and in ways likely persuade them to better enjoy their lives with another. There's also the possibility of narcissistic women who pull that Princess Charming, desire to be my savior and roundabout take full control of my life. In which case, I'd be the one running far, far away. Seriously put, the hard, cold reality and logic of things is that it just isn't my turn/time yet. It's okay. I do still reflect and try to humor myself about things, though.
I do agree that the likeliest chance I find connection is meeting a gal somewhere doing something of a creative, physical enjoyment or such - gym, rock climbing, museums, zoo, parks, the lake, etc.
@Markness, meeting a gal doesn't have to be something outdoorsy, but it is good to get involved. Plus, people can sense depression and negativity sometimes. I think I had some elements that scared some people away and I know in a few cases, people even told me that these kind of things turned them off and they wanted to do nothing with me. There's a time and place for these things and best shared only with closer friends or if a situation is more extreme based on context. I would suggest looking for one hobby/activity where people get together and try to like it for the activity- with the possibility that maybe you'll meet someone because you're happy to do that activity.
Race in the US won't be a factor for you because sometimes if you're a minority, I have encountered and sensed some other people will treat me badly because they are not attracted to me unless I'm like super good at a particular something that helps a team they are on. If I'm super good at something then they only like my skill but not my appearance or me as a person. At least you don't have to deal with that.
Another thing you could consider is volunteering for a convention. You have to sign up early for these things to make sure you get in, but it is short term you provide help- usually a few days once a year- within that time frame- you have a chance to connect with a gal - and maybe in a space that you and that gal both enjoy.