"NothingToSeeHere, post: 247437, member: 11596"]
Maelstrom I'm really happy to get my first 'creative' karma, but somehow I get the feeling you're making fun of me
I'm sorry you feel that way, I will remove it.
And my previous post is for Nitro not you, I know better that address you guy's directly, but since you went out of your way to address me, you are owed a polite post back on the subject, hopefully you don't find scientific facts too offensive.
But facts are facts I have been watch the fear funding parade since the late seventies. First it was we all will die in a super winter if the Government doesn't get a bigger budget, then all the frogs and forests were dying of acid rain (it turned out the frog thing was just a parasite), then the ozone hole was going to eat us all (until some village idiot proved with his fridge it was actually just created by winter).
Now carbon is evil? even tho it is foundation of all life and used by every living thing on the planet. Any scientist should know carbon qualifies as a fertilizer for all plants, trees, and planktons that feed the whole food chain in the ocean. Even a grade school child could see that increased growth of plants, trees, and plankton will consume excess carbon in the form of CO2. Why is it bad for forests

to grow faster, and more plankton to feed the fishes

and whales ? I thought we loved trees

and whales

why are we spending millions of dollars to find ways to starve them?
And now a environmental scientist wants to have the Government pay $$$ to spray hundreds of thousands of tons of sulfuric acid? into the stratosphere to remove CO2

, I guess acid rain is a good thing now now?
Hawkings wants to start scaring everyone to death the we are going to be over run by hostile space aliens,

I'm sure as usual lots of $$$$$ will help the government fix it.
I hear the Super winter thing is being dusted off again,

along with maybe the magnetic pole thing

...that one is espeacially Ironic as God may plan to flip the earth and cook it for a bit...does that count?
I'm sure you don't think I could possibly be right on any of this because I'm not a scientist,

and scientists are like priests, I'm sure they never would make stuff up to Fatten their Grant Budgets.
My best wishes to you I'm sure you are very nice

...my above comments aren't aimed at you, rather at a nameless group of people in the government who seem to like to grease the pig

a little for more $$$.