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You know a big fat one one is coming in revelationAn asteroid impact or supervolcanic eruption would fling us headlong into an ice age. An asteroid 150 wide whizzed past us a couple of days ago at 30,000 mph just 750 miles away. If it had hit, it would have thrown more crap into the atmosphere than we ever have.
Yup! there is one out there on a kill path already...not sure if it is the one...maybe too many years off...I think it hits around the time the Iranian nuclear treaty opens up their bomb oven for business.The reference to a flaming mountain, that one's bigger than the dino killer! Oh SHUDDER!!!!!!
Well in addition to the post flood Ice age about 6000 years ago, if the carbon dating is not done using the file 13 system, there were a number of major world wide climate swings recorded in history, in tree rings and in ice cores. Maybe it is not popular now to read such science, but I'm old enough to remember all those lovely historical climate articles.I don't know off hand without looking them up which ones were volcanic driven and which which were sun cycle driven, but I do know climate scientists routinely cited those both as the causes. And in the past these scientists produced tree rings and ice cores and historical records to back that up, maybe? all their years of hard work got edited under the new popular carbon 14 selection method called choosing file 13, (the trash can).
There was a major warming period that ended about the time Green Lief Ericson discovered America...and a major cooling period was in effect when half of King Richards soldiers froze to death marching on Jerusilem....I'm sure many others can be found if you look. I don't remember what the Sun's sun spot cycles length is something like 7 to 11 years? We are actually in a cold sun spot cycle right now that is why the 4 loop jet steam is trying to freeze Mexico and New Orleans, silence by the press on this doesn't make it not real....I have seen the jet stream maps on TV.
The Global Warming people have claimed cooling would bring more rain, and there has been massive flooding through out Europe and in America. And there are clear signs of cold weather weather cycle reversal with flooding common now in desert places like Israel, Somalia, dry West Texas, and dry southern California...etcetera.
Israel and Syria got a fair bit of snow too this winter....very unusual.
1. I think NothingToSeeHere ,you forgot Plankton consume the bulk of the CO2 keeping us alive, and they are not short on water, and plankton can thicken in water maybe? 400% or 500% unlike land forests. If you wish to contest this point, may I remind you your ocean scientist friends are always crying about how our ocean fish and whale levels are so much lower now than the post flood levels. Guess why? (massive volcanic CO2 levels from the flood volcanos fueled a huge plankton boom raising the fish and whale populations hugely world wide).
2. See argument above the land use argument is canceled out by my ocean argument.
3.Your third argument would make us all dead if it was chemically correct.Where did you get this fake science? Plants can't exhale oxygen to keep us all alive without separating the oxygen atom from the carbon atom. I think carbon more or less becomes a solid with the oxygen atoms removed. And and if plants don't consume carbon where does all that charcoal come from when you burn tree wood, (a plant), in a fire?
NothingToSeeHere ,I don't want to offend you I have enjoyed posting with you. But the science in your 3. rd argument violates numerous basic natural chemical and biological processes, I suggest you take a copy of it and check it out with a chemistry and biology professor. And then go kick whomever gave you that so called science argument in the shins when you get your results....I've never heard argument that violated so many basic chemical laws in my life.
As for methane, methane is a natural product of the cycle of life, it has been coming out of cow buts and swamps for as long as life existed on earth. If you think methane is evil then maybe we should go fill all the duck ponds in??? what No? you don't like that idea? Hmmm...I didn't think you would....
The problem with taking natural parts of the circle of life to make Boogy monstersto scare people with, is you risk actual life killing responses from said people. Carbon, methane, phosphates and nitrogen are all vital fertilizers in the natural circle of life, if you start interfering with these things too much things will start dying in the world.
Here is a real world example for you pumping CO2 into the ground will do one of two things. Firstly it will slow the recovery of your rain forestsyou love so much, and also make poor people around the world starve as their crops will grow slower.(no tomatoes
Can you guess the second one?it may kill you
in your own home while you sleep
. Oh! you didn't see that one did you? Your local fracker oil guy or whatever can over pump CO2 into the ground and back up it pop, coming out of your leaking sink faucet while you are sleeping
, and you or your cat you love so much is dead.
You see there is a difference between true environmentalism, and green government corruption, corporate oil and manufacturing money is infiltrating your green movements.
Who benefits from dumping excess sulphuric acid on our heads from high sulphur oil wells?
Who benefits from making us put mercury filled light bulbs in our homes?
Who benefits from making us use dish soap that doesn't work and plugs up my dish washer burning it out?
Who benefits from forcing the government to blow up dams and buy over priced wind generators. Dams don't pollute the air at all, and why are wind generators better than geothermal wells which don't pollute at all either and don't defrost your freezer every time the wind stops blowing.
So my question is to everyone out there sure you are green? or are you just gullible to corporate and government propaganda?
Follow the money before you back a cause...the money trail always shines the light on the cockroaches.
You do realize you are taking on a rotten little Washington Carver style savant don't you? NothingToSeeHere ,![]()
I"ll give you points for being a brave little thing...not many people hold out this long angainst my vacumcleaner mind.
You do write very well....I don't think either of use will convert the other.
but it is okay the world won't end. Best wishes Maelstrom
Hi NothingToSeeHere ,back again you must like me...
You must have missed my little back edit note File 13 is the common office joke...as in yes I got you job application I put it in File 13 (the trash can).
I suspect allot of nice old climate politically inconvenient research is being moved to file 13 now days.
You write lovely stuff I'll grant you that, you are moving your chemical arguments a little on me. You did imply plants exhale CO2 again I find this argument disingenuous....plants entire function in life is to separate oxygen and carbon. A plant releases the oxygen which we get to use, and eats the carbon which becomes the very bones of a plant. You are in effect trying to reverse or minimize the main function and chemical life cycle of a plant in order to increase your argument for carbon build up in the world.
I do not think any of your non sequestering arguments are scientifically correct in the manner you are using them....finding some .oooooo1 % back flow or chemical sweat and presenting it as a major action is not proper in my opinion. The major chemical action remains the major chemical action...everything else is angels dancing on the head of pin.
The entire anti carbon argument is a house of cards, in what universe is a vital plant and tree fertilizers evil. You people claim you love nature, but the only plant and tree fertilizer you haven't tried to ban yet is water?
As for people not being stupid enough to try to pump CO@ into the ground...turn on your TV and you will get to see your Global Warming friends pumping CO2 into the ground and asking the government to pay the electric bill....maybe they are just oil guys posing as your people? it is getting real hard to tell you two groups apart now...you both work the government trough with the same language.
You want another beauty to stop Global warming they want to drop super cooled blocks of CO2 ice which doesn't float into the bottom of the ocean. How is blocks of dry Ice freezing piles of unlucky fish good. And how many life forms would suffocate in the clouds of melting CO2.
And why should we spend billions of dollars on crazy schemes that if successful will make millions of poor farmers starve to death around the world. Reducing temperatures and CO2 will cut crop yields substantially.
So you tell me is this vague unknown Global Warming threat....worth maybe killing by starvation millions of poor peoples babies?
Is the extra government grant money worth all those little coffins?