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Video games you're playing?

Smh @ All the 12 year old Nintendo fanboys whose Parents are falling hard for the Switch, same games, different platform, endless Mario cash ins.

Your complete lack of respect, knowledge or insight for anything that isn't Xbox is consistently baffling (although saying that you possess much of the latter two even in regards to Xbox is me being generous).
Let's keep to the topic.
The topic is not evaluating the knowledge or insight of another member.

The topic is discussing video games you are playing.
As for what I'm playing, still alot of Isaac. Trying to improve by changing up the way I do things... experimenting more with items and such that I often just didnt use. I'm finding that quite a number of things that everyone says are "bad" actually arent. If you know what to do with them, that is. Finding a particular Youtuber to watch (who happens to be *really* good at the game) who does alot of unusual things like grabbing things such as Curse of the Tower (normally, nobody ever takes that) or using sacrifice rooms over and over is teaching me alot. I guess what Edmund said is true, there really are an endless variety of playstyles in the game. As always even despite 350+ hours in it, Isaac continues to impress me more and more as I keep going with it.

Afterbirth+ coming to Switch has only strengthened my obsession with Isaac. It's one of those games that I'll buy every time a new generation of consoles rolls around, as long as McMillen and Nicalis keep releasing it; it's like Minecraft for me in that regard.
Let's keep to the topic.
The topic is not evaluating the knowledge or insight of another member.

The topic is discussing video games you are playing.

I would argue that the topic isn't the senseless, irrational, unwarranted and above all else uninformed badmouthing of others' gaming tastes either.
ac75 civil.webp

AC staff would like to ask the members to please be mindful of respect towards each other.
The thread is a discussion about which games EACH of you prefer.
Afterbirth+ coming to Switch has only strengthened my obsession with Isaac. It's one of those games that I'll buy every time a new generation of consoles rolls around, as long as McMillen and Nicalis keep releasing it; it's like Minecraft for me in that regard.

Yeah, same here. When Splatoon comes out and I grab the Switch, I'll be getting Isaac with it. Again. Maybe not exactly the most practical purchase, and it wont be as feature-complete as the PC version, but I'll do it anyway, because I can. And I bought the iOS version as well (which turned out surprisingly well but doesnt include the newest stuff... argh, no Apollyon, no Lilith... ). Good to have versions of it I can take with me without it being on my bloody laptop, which seems to hate existence.

Also loving that they're making further changes and additions to the game too. The first booster pack for AB+ has been great (Broken Modem, easily one of my new favorites and very useful, and everyone loves the Black Hole) and Edmund has said he's going to "do something" about angel rooms finally... no bloody clue what that means. I swear I feel like I'm the only one that uses those much of the time. And they are a pain to get to. Will be looking forward to whatever in the heck the next booster pack includes, aside from that bit.

And would love to get a mod of my own included but... ye gods, learning LUA is bloody confusing. I'm used to XML, which is more sane.
@Misery The Switch version is Afterbirth+, so it has all the Nicalis-developed content. There haven't been any booster packs or user-created mods released for it, though; not yet anyway. Not that I'm anxious for them to start rolling those out anyway; like you, I've spent an obscene amount of time on this game - 300-350 hours on PS4/Vita and 30+ hours on Switch - and I'm still discovering new stuff.
I would argue that the topic isn't the senseless, irrational, unwarranted and above all else uninformed badmouthing of others' gaming tastes either.
Your complete lack of respect, knowledge or insight for anything that isn't Xbox is consistently baffling (although saying that you possess much of the latter two even in regards to Xbox is me being generous).

I just reported you for this offensive post, do not worry though, I am sure the Mods won't do anything.
I just reported you for this offensive post, do not worry though, I am sure the Mods won't do anything.

Let's keep to the topic.
The topic is not evaluating the knowledge or insight of another member.

The topic is discussing video games you are playing.

View attachment 33076
AC staff would like to ask the members to please be mindful of respect towards each other.
The thread is a discussion about which games EACH of you prefer.
I picked up Road Redemption, the spiritual successor to Road Rash. It's still in early access but golly have they improved on it since I last played it! This is a game I can keep coming back to. The campaign is a different, take to modern games and is inspired by the older generations of games worked but giving the player something to work on rather than simply honing their skills at the game, instead you get to select perks when you've hit game over, things like more health or damage are base perks with more fluff and flavourful upgrades later on.

It still needs work down to it. The sound effects are pretty poor and there have been times when I bounce off vehicles or elements of the environment like trees or containers on the side of the road.

I would also like to see more varied sorts of roads. If anyone played the Road Rash games you'll remember single file and normal roads, crossroads and the like. This, in the time I've played, doesn't have them.

None the less, this is quite fun to play and also nostalgic to those Road Rash fans and there really isn't anything like this on the market these days. Which is surprising because you'd think games of the like of Grand Theft Auto would easily be able to mimic games like Road Rash but it seems that hasn't crossed their minds to much.
More Isaac today. Some interesting and challenging runs. Also, the mod character named Mei absolutely should be added to the game in a booster pack. Easily the most balanced and with a very unique mechanic that actually fits the game and doesnt go into broken mode super easily (unlike some other mod characters). Just loads of fun. No other character plays quite like that at all.

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Also Streets of Rogue. That game is such a blast. I just dont tire of it. I cant wait to see where they go with it.
Playing some Breath of the Wild earlier, I by accident stumbled upon... something in the woods and I was completely surprised, even if - now that I think about it - of course it was going to be in the game. Some people will know what I'm talking about, but I'll keep it cryptic lest I end up spoiling something for someone.
I played some more Sunset Overdrive earlier. I'm going off it pretty quickly :tearsofjoy: I've never been very good at timed sections in games (read: do not have the patience for). The fact that you have to keep moving and jumping about gets me flustered some times too, especially when there's a lot going on and then I get confused and end up dying.

I did play some Farming Simulator 17 the other day as well. I like to play it when I'm feeling anxious, as just going up and down fields in nice neat lines makes me feel better.
Right now, as I have no internet and my current computer desk sucks, been replaying Metroid Prime.

If the rumours are true and Gamecube games are indeed coming to Switch via the Virtual Console, I'd snap up Metroid Prime in a heartbeat. As good as it was, I never finished it.
I played some Project Cars a few days ago, I haven't played it in ages and was in the mood for gaming but wasn't in the mood for Star Wars Battlefront. The game is quite relaxing.
I've been waiting for it to come out, and today was finally the day. Voodoo Vince Remastered was released, and I downloaded it this morning. I played in when the originally came out on the first XBox. I had a copy bundled with my console, and I've always hoped that one day Microsoft would re-release it. With it being a remaster, it does look better than the original would these days, but obviously it's still not the most graphically impressive game. If you're looking for a cheap (£12.49) platformer, I would recommend it.
Persona 5. I'm a shameless japanophile, and this game does a good job of giving you something of an idea of what it's like to live in Tokyo. It also has probably one of the most realistic depictions of a person on the Autism Spectrum in the history of video games.
Mario Maker! Been awhile, as I lost track of where the blasted controller was.

I tell ya, if this were released on the Switch, I'd buy that thing instantly. Nintendo being the way they are though, it wont be, because of course not.

I'll likely still get the thing in the summer, but chances are Splatoon will be the one and only thing I buy on it. If it wasnt for that, I wouldnt bother. The Wii U will still be my main console for the forseeable future.

Granted there is Isaac on the Switch, but I recently got it running better on my Laptop of Tragedy and Sadness, so I dont really need it on anything else now, for portable use.

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