The Nintendo Switch is over hyped trash IMO, no original games, just loads of rehashes of existing games such as Super Mario and Pokemon.
People complain about Xbox not having as many exclusives as the PS4, but at least Xbox One has more grown up games.
Just... just stop, dude. That's enough.
You know as well as I do that the other two consoles repeat their games exactly as much. How many Halo games are there now? Just think how many there would be if the series had started earlier than it did; that it started so much later is the one and only thing that keeps it from having as many installments as one of Nintendo's games. And that's JUST Halo. How about Gears of War? God of War? Call of Duty? Street Fighter? Hah, now THAT one is a perfect example, aint it. I could seriously go on... and on... and on.... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... yet Nintendo? It's funny: I can only come up with a very few for them, particularly since some of their properties (like Metroid) get very little attention.
And dont give me the "grown up games" bit either. Something I've learned about maturity: Blood and swearing IS NOT what makes a game mature. What makes it mature is the gamer themselves. If I, a grown adult of 35, desire to play the latest Mario? Or something like Splatoon? Or the Lego game I have, in fact, been enjoying? Being ACTUALLY mature, I'll bloody well do so regardless of what anyone else states, rather than having to avoid "kiddie" games just to prove some sort of point. THAT is actual maturity. It's a lesson I rather had to learn the hard way myself, really. And if someone else has a problem with the games I choose? Well, tough. It's THEIR problem... not mine. I'll do as I like. Again, that is maturity.
Honestly, this type of pointless bashing gets more than a bit old. What exactly do you think you're accomplishing here by that sort of statement? That's a genuine question, by the way, not a sarcastic statement. Frankly, I could bash the hell out of ALL THREE consoles for not having everything that the PC does. But in the end... what does that do? Nothing. It just irritates everyone. Not that I wont ramble about PC games, mind you... but that's just me rambling about an interest. I'm not going to bash others for liking what they do. And you might want to consider the comment you made there, because you effectively just called some of us "kids" by implying that those of us interested in that console arent "grown up". There's alot of vitreol in that statement of yours. It might do you well to ponder that fact. This isnt the place for that, dont you think?
And before anyone complains about what I'm saying, I'm not trying to be mean here: I'm trying to get you to THINK. I'm familiar with the gaming community as a whole, TOO familiar. And one simple fact about it: It is one NASTY group. But they dont HAVE to be that way. If someone just actually THINKS for themselves before acting, they can avoid being like that. I dont REALLY think you're that sort of person, so dont act like they do, please.
And no, dont try to argue this one with me. Dont need a back-and-forth going here. Again, I'm just making a point designed to get you to think here. And remember one last thing: Games from the beginning were never about looking mature. They were about having fun. It rather saddens me that so many have forgotten this.