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Video games you're playing?

I've been in a low gaming kind of period, Bioshock Remastered, GTA San Andreas but yesterday I "bought" a PS2 emulator and tried God of War 2, good lord I need a controller/gamepad now, playing with the keyboard is too hard and it kind of takes the nostalgia away. It's been like 15 years since I played with a console, my last one was a ps1 and there are alot of games I wanted to play during PS2 era, now I can do it. On the other hand I could buy a real PS2 console on ebay, I always wanted to collect consoles/games.
I've been in a low gaming kind of period, Bioshock Remastered, GTA San Andreas but yesterday I "bought" a PS2 emulator and tried God of War 2, good lord I need a controller/gamepad now, playing with the keyboard is too hard and it kind of takes the nostalgia away. It's been like 15 years since I played with a console, my last one was a ps1 and there are alot of games I wanted to play during PS2 era, now I can do it. On the other hand I could buy a real PS2 console on ebay, I always wanted to collect consoles/games.

Somehow we have 2 PS2's. One original size one and one is the really tiny one.
The Nintendo Switch is over hyped trash IMO, no original games, just loads of rehashes of existing games such as Super Mario and Pokemon.

People complain about Xbox not having as many exclusives as the PS4, but at least Xbox One has more grown up games.
The Nintendo Switch is over hyped trash IMO, no original games, just loads of rehashes of existing games such as Super Mario and Pokemon.

People complain about Xbox not having as many exclusives as the PS4, but at least Xbox One has more grown up games.

Just... just stop, dude. That's enough.

You know as well as I do that the other two consoles repeat their games exactly as much. How many Halo games are there now? Just think how many there would be if the series had started earlier than it did; that it started so much later is the one and only thing that keeps it from having as many installments as one of Nintendo's games. And that's JUST Halo. How about Gears of War? God of War? Call of Duty? Street Fighter? Hah, now THAT one is a perfect example, aint it. I could seriously go on... and on... and on.... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... yet Nintendo? It's funny: I can only come up with a very few for them, particularly since some of their properties (like Metroid) get very little attention.

And dont give me the "grown up games" bit either. Something I've learned about maturity: Blood and swearing IS NOT what makes a game mature. What makes it mature is the gamer themselves. If I, a grown adult of 35, desire to play the latest Mario? Or something like Splatoon? Or the Lego game I have, in fact, been enjoying? Being ACTUALLY mature, I'll bloody well do so regardless of what anyone else states, rather than having to avoid "kiddie" games just to prove some sort of point. THAT is actual maturity. It's a lesson I rather had to learn the hard way myself, really. And if someone else has a problem with the games I choose? Well, tough. It's THEIR problem... not mine. I'll do as I like. Again, that is maturity.

Honestly, this type of pointless bashing gets more than a bit old. What exactly do you think you're accomplishing here by that sort of statement? That's a genuine question, by the way, not a sarcastic statement. Frankly, I could bash the hell out of ALL THREE consoles for not having everything that the PC does. But in the end... what does that do? Nothing. It just irritates everyone. Not that I wont ramble about PC games, mind you... but that's just me rambling about an interest. I'm not going to bash others for liking what they do. And you might want to consider the comment you made there, because you effectively just called some of us "kids" by implying that those of us interested in that console arent "grown up". There's alot of vitreol in that statement of yours. It might do you well to ponder that fact. This isnt the place for that, dont you think?

And before anyone complains about what I'm saying, I'm not trying to be mean here: I'm trying to get you to THINK. I'm familiar with the gaming community as a whole, TOO familiar. And one simple fact about it: It is one NASTY group. But they dont HAVE to be that way. If someone just actually THINKS for themselves before acting, they can avoid being like that. I dont REALLY think you're that sort of person, so dont act like they do, please.

And no, dont try to argue this one with me. Dont need a back-and-forth going here. Again, I'm just making a point designed to get you to think here. And remember one last thing: Games from the beginning were never about looking mature. They were about having fun. It rather saddens me that so many have forgotten this.
The Nintendo Switch is over hyped trash IMO, no original games, just loads of rehashes of existing games such as Super Mario and Pokemon.

People complain about Xbox not having as many exclusives as the PS4, but at least Xbox One has more grown up games.

You know, if you did ever decide that you wanted to give it a rest, I for one would support you with every fibre of my being.

Your constant unprovoked bashing of everything that isn't Xbox is getting incredibly old.
ac75 civil.webp
If you mean me, I'm not bashing him. If you see that somewhere in my post, it's not what I meant by any of it.

Part of the point though is, in fact, to keep this civil. That random bashing from him or anyone really just starts arguements. It doesnt have to be bashing of a person: in a gaming topic, bashing a console will cause a flamewar half the time as it is. Dont need that. That only leads to lots of screaming insults.

Seen enough blasted flamewars about which bloody console is better on certain other forums recently. It'd be nice to get people to avoid it here.
If you mean me, I'm not bashing him. If you see that somewhere in my post, it's not what I meant by any of it.

Part of the point though is, in fact, to keep this civil. That random bashing from him or anyone really just starts arguements. It doesnt have to be bashing of a person: in a gaming topic, bashing a console will cause a flamewar half the time as it is. Dont need that. That only leads to lots of screaming insults.

Seen enough blasted flamewars about which bloody console is better on certain other forums recently. It'd be nice to get people to avoid it here.

Precisely. And it's posts like @Rich Allen 's latest that start these arguments. There was no reasoning behind it; he just pipes up with "Nintendo is sh*t", "Sony is sh*t" or "I'd bone Microsoft if I could" posts without provocation and without explaining the reasoning or logic behind his "opinions" with seemingly no objective other than to cause trouble.

The last time he reported me for calling him out on his bullsh*t, I received a private message from @tree containing a warning and was informed that matters concerning my views on moderation methods should be conveyed to them privately and not publicly. I in turn conveyed my concerns regarding Rich - privately - and received no reply, so maybe his latest bit of unconstructive sh*t-stirring will get somebody to finally take notice.

Yes, I could block him, but I don't want to do that because I have absolutely no problem otherwise conversing with him or offering him advice whenever he asks other forum members for it. It's just these unwarranted, unprovoked, uninformed and blatant attempts at stirring up trouble that I take issue with.
Just try not to get too worked up about it, I guess is all I can say. No point in getting in trouble if you can avoid it, right?

I tell ya though, I wish we just had a proper gaming section on this site. Instead of everything crammed into a couple of topics. This wouldnt really happen (as much) if that were the case. Everyone could just avoid topics they dont like. Theoretcially.
And that's JUST Halo. How about Gears of War? God of War? Call of Duty? Street Fighter?
Don't forget all the sports, racing and wrestling games that have needless yearly releases.

As I've said in other threads, I have no interest in the switch, but at least when Nintendo "rehashes" a game they usually release only one per console so the game has a good life span.
Don't forget all the sports, racing and wrestling games that have needless yearly releases.

As I've said in other threads, I have no interest in the switch, but at least when Nintendo "rehashes" a game they usually release only one per console so the game has a good life span.

Yeah, pretty much.

Annoyingly, what usually happens is that anti-Nintendo gamers look at the Mario series very specifically, and Pokemon, point out exactly those specific two, and then say "oh they do this ALL THE TIME" as if Nintendo does it for every single game series they ever make ever. Despite those two franchises actually making good sense to repeat as often as they do. But other than that? Yeah, they dont really do that. The internet SAYS they do, but the interet likes to hate everything, so.... yeah.

It's the old Internet Hate Train idea yet again, feh.
@Misery, being an Isaac afficionado, have you noticed any increases in difficulty since the release of Afterbirth+, specifically in Greed Mode? I just feel like it was way easier in Afterbirth, whereas in Afterbirth+ it seems like Greed spawns way, way more often than he ever did before.
Hm, I dont think the base difficulty of Greed Mode has gone up all that much, maybe a bit. I do know that Greedier Mode is a hell of alot harder than the normal one (to the point where people complain about it ALOT because they cant handle it). I dont think they really made much in the way of fundamental changes to the original Greed Mode since they were also adding that new, nastier version of it. Just looking at the wiki, no specific changes to that mode are actually mentioned, so any difficulty increases you're encountering are likely more of an "overall" thing, from individual game elements that might have gotten changes. The page for Greed himself lists pretty much nothing in terms of changes with DLC, except for the fact that there's a very small chance of him spawning when a special shopkeeper is blown up. It's a *very* detailed and well-kept wiki site, so if there were any changes that I wasnt aware of, they'd be on there by now.

I will say though that any increase in challenge for that mode is a welcome thing; it's usually criticised for being way too easy (and then of course the new mode gets the opposite criticism... there's just no pleasing that community).
Weird. I'm definitely on Greed Mode and not Greedier Mode - I wasn't even aware such a thing existed :astonished: - so maybe I'm just unlucky with all those Greed spawns. Damn game can be so obtuse sometimes. :tonguewink:
I've made the glorious mistake of purchasing Rimworld last week. I'm not sure what they were thinking when they named the game, but disregarding the name, it's incredibly addictive. I'm usually not into games that require a lot of micromanaging, but this game somehow nails it. I could spend a lot of time talking about how much I like the game, but the folks at RockPaperShotgun did it a lot better than I could. Besides, I have a game to get back to :D
I started a new character in Borderlands 2. I really hope 3 comes out this year or next! Hoping it has less vehicle junk.. that's one area of the series I didn't enjoy much.

Also doing Nuclear Throne. Still can't get past 3-2 much. I swear the game cheats.
@JackSkellington I'm with you on getting a new Borderlands sooner rather than later. I played Borderlands 2 once solo and once with @xudo and we recently started another playthrough. We'll jump on Borderlands 3 as soon as possible, no question.

Nuclear Throne is a game I played to death for a little while but dropped off pretty quickly. I think the furthest I ever got was 5-2; whichever level in world 5 has the boss. It didn't help that I was playing it on Vita and sometimes the framerate would drop to single digits.
Weird. I'm definitely on Greed Mode and not Greedier Mode - I wasn't even aware such a thing existed :astonished: - so maybe I'm just unlucky with all those Greed spawns. Damn game can be so obtuse sometimes. :tonguewink:

Yeah, Greedier Mode is selectable when you start a new run, just like how you'd choose from Normal/Hard there on the right side of the screen.

And.... it has it's own set of unlocks, too. Every character has an item they can unlock by defeating the boss, "Ultra Greedier". Which is basically Ultra Greed, with an additional, extra-horrible second form. Because apparently he needed one. There's some interesting items to unlock there. Some good ones, a couple of seemingly awful ones. The game's most nonsensical item, Plan C, is unlocked by beating that mode with Samson. I dont understand the point of that item (nobody does). It shows up in more item pools than anything else in the game. It's a one use item, and when used it kills every enemy in the room no matter what (even things like Hush or Delerium will go down instantly)..... and then it kills you three seconds later.

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