Well-Known Member
Autistic traits are not confined to just people with autism, it's not so much the traits themselves that make us autistic, but a cluster of traits found together to make the autism profile. I sometimes have meltdowns - so do NTs. I have 'special interests' and can get very absorbed in them - so can NTs. I have sensory issues - NTs often have these as well. I have social difficulties - so do some NTs. What makes me different to NTs is that I have these together in a cluster, and that they significantly affect my life, whereas an NT with the same problem will usually cope much better with it, it won't affect their life so much.
I don't automatically attribute every quirk or issue I have to Asperger's - they may be due to an external issue or be a personality trait and have nothing to do with autism at all. I examine all possibilities, and don't assume that it is Asperger's.
Well thats a clever point of view , the only friend I told about it basically told me the same.
I want to add that its not only having everything in a cluster, autism for me, isnt diagnosed easely because most of the traits as you said are external symptoms, autism isnt defined by the traits you listed but it's whar inside of us that trigger all of that for different reasons than NT.