Active Member
Here's a controversial personal opinion that I've formed after being active on autism forums for nearly five years and also knowing fellow autistic people in person and having autistic friends:
There seem to be two types of autistic people in relation to whether they have a compliant personality or not and it seems to be a "black and white" thing, one or the other rather than a mixture of the two:
Compliant Type: Essentially a type of person who believes what the "masses" believe, is compliant in nature and is averse to questioning authority. This type often seems to have a reverence, love and support for expansive government provided the rules, laws, regs, etc are "for the common good". I have no way of knowing, but I've wondered if at least in a certain amount of cases a Compliant Type autistic went through ABA. I also wonder if this type had a deep desire to "be like everyone else" when they were growing up and devoted a great deal of energy as a child trying to be accepted by and befriended by "everyone else". The level of the embrace of compliance seems to even border on some form of Stockholm Syndrome.
Non-compliant Type: Essentially a type of person who does not align with the "masses" and instead is suspect of things, beliefs, etc that are readily adopted by most people. This is a "I will decide for myself and what I feel is best for me" type of person. A type of person that, as a child, did not spend a great deal of energy trying to be accepted by "everyone else" and instead had little to no desire to do so. They formed an opinion early on that "everyone else" included those that bullied and mistreated them and as such, the last thing they'd want is to try to gain acceptance from the very people who maltreated them. They saw even from an early age that education was institutional and started to develop a guarded and suspect view of authority in all forms, questioning the authoritarian's motives. This type is typically very independent and prides themselves on doing whatever they can to take care of as many needs as they have on their own. This type does not want government to direct their lives from "cradle to grave". This type often has a mindset of: "Leave me be. I'll do me and you do you." This type has spent their lifetimes observing the "masses" from the outside and is acutely aware of how easily manipulated groups of people can be and as such, they have an opposition to peer pressure.
This is a fascinating analysis. It reminds me of a book, The H Factor of Personality, in which the authors mention how certain Hexaco(and perhaps Big Five) personality traits correlate with, say, certain political positions.
The Compliant Type sounds a bit like someone who is higher in agreeableness and emotionality. The Non-compliant Type is probably higher in openness to experience. I find I am definitely the later type. I just naturally dislike any kind of group. I've always been a loner in almost every area of my life, and have always enjoyed being different from my peers. At the same time, especially in my teen years, I became misanthropic due to the treatment of those very peers. I realized I could never be like them. I've come to see the value of groups of people somewhat since then, but I don't think I will ever naturally like or feel part of any of the groups people seem to want to conform to.